I am currently using the azure-openai npm package in my project with version 2023-03-15-preview. As per the latest updates, version 2023-12-01-preview is available and brings several improvements, including support for DALL-E 3.0 and enhanced content filtering.So, i want to update my package.
My nodejs version is 18.13 and my azure-openai version is "^0.9.4". azure-openai package use 2023-03-15-preview. I read that in /node_modules/azure-openai/README.md. This README.md file mention they are used **2023-03-15-preview/**inference.json. Now, I want to update 2023-03-15-preview with 2023-12-01-preview.So where can i change or update this app-version.
You should move to the official library, which is this one: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@azure/openai
You have several demos using it accessible from the documentation here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/javascript/api/overview/azure/openai-readme?view=azure-node-preview
The other one is a fork from openai repo but not the official one.