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How to manage many icons in React properly?

I have multiple Icon components like this:

import { IconProps } from "@utils/types";

const FilterIcon = (props: IconProps) => {
  const { fillColor, width, height } = props;

  return (
      viewBox="0 0 24 24"
        d="M17.625 12C1..."

export default FilterIcon;

the problem is that I have almots 40 of them in different files. I want to make a component to use them in a better way, something like this:

<Icon name="IconName" width="20px" height="20px" fillColor="white" />

where name could be an enum type or similar

I made a huge Icon component that imports all the icons and uses a switch to return an icon component (130 lines...)


  • First, you can declare a barrel file:

    // icons/index.ts
    export { default as FilterIcon } from './FilterIcon.tsx'
    // ...

    And then create an <Icon> component:

    // icon.tsx
    import * as icons from './icons'
    export const Icon = ({ name, ...props }: {
      name: keyof typeof icons,
      // other props
    }) => {
      const Component = icons[name]
      return <Component {...props} />