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Generated RPM has requirement on files it contains but doesn't provide them

I am trying to create an RPM from libraries that have been built externally.

My spec is basically this:

Name:     ace-tao
Version:  6.5.3
Release:  1
Summary:  ACE and TAO libraries
License:  other
Vendor:   My Corp
Group:    Applications/Engineering
Packager: My Corp <>
Prefix:   /usr/local/foo

Contains the ACE and TAO libraries.

mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{prefix}/lib
cp -f %{_sourcedir}/deps/libACE*.so.%{version} %{buildroot}/%{prefix}/lib/
cp -f %{_sourcedir}/deps/libTAO*.so.2.5.3 %{buildroot}/%{prefix}/lib/
  cd %{buildroot}/%{prefix}/lib/
  for lib in libTAO*.so.2.5.3; do
    ln -s $lib ${lib%.3}
    ln -s $lib ${lib%.5.3}
    ln -s $lib ${lib%.2.5.3}


The TAO library has the requirement that there be symlinks libTAO*.so, libTAO*.so.2 and libTAO*.so.2.5 to libTAO*.so.2.5.3, hence the ln calls.

After I build this with rpmbuild -bb ace-tao.spec, I get a file ace-tao-6.5.3-1.x86_64.rpm. However, installing this yields warnings:

15:16:32,868 WARN packaging: ace-tao-6.5.3-1.x86_64 requires
15:16:32,868 WARN packaging: ace-tao-6.5.3-1.x86_64 requires
15:16:32,868 WARN packaging: ace-tao-6.5.3-1.x86_64 requires
... snip ...

Checking the requirements of the package with rpm -qRp ace-tao-6.5.3-1.x86_64.rpm indeed lists
... snip ...

The RPM doesn't provide them though:

$ rpm --provides -qp ace-tao-6.5.3-1.x86_64.rpm
ace-tao = 6.5.3-1
ace-tao(x86-64) = 6.5.3-1

Even though it contains them:

$ rpm -qlp ace-tao-6.5.3-1.x86_64.rpm | grep TAO
... snip ...

Why is that? What do I need to change for the RPM to provide the libraries it contains?

I am on CentOS 7.9.


  • In order for RPM's automatic dependencies system to pick up shared objects, they need to have their executable bit set.[1] I suspect you are not doing that here.

    So in your %install section, either use install -Dm 755 instead of cp, or chmod 755 them. Note that you only need to do this for regular files; symlinks have mode 777 by default.

    And although not ideal, you can always declare Provides: entries manually as a last resort.

    P.s. I'm not sure if autodetect will work when you install to non-standard paths (i.e. outside of %{_libdir}). If setting the executable bit didn't work, you may wish to try installing to %{buildroot}%{_libdir} instead.

    [1] I did search through RPM's source code, but didn't find any explicit documentation of this behaviour. The relevant source code seems to be rpmfc.c FYI.