I have some schedules in my Kernel and they will be executed as schedule:
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule): void
$schedule->job(new PdnsSync())
$schedule->job(new DismissRiskyUsersScheduler)
// many more...
Due too some planed maintenance, I had to stop the queue workers (about 20 containers) for some time. After bringing them back online, the PdnsSync job will be queued correctly but it executes the DismissRiskyUsersScheduler
I found this behaviour by enable telescope, go to the scheduler, click on the PdnsSync
command an follow the jobs:
Jobs from the scheduled command:
I've tried:
php artisan optimize:clear
php artisan cache:clear
Because the question was asked if the PdnsSync class is realy calling the correct jobs, here the class:
class PdnsSync implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeUnique
use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;
const CHUNK = 10;
protected array $jobs = [
public function handle(): void
$jobs = $this->getJobs();
if (empty($jobs)) {
if (count($jobs) > self::CHUNK) {
$jobs = array_chunk($jobs, self::CHUNK);
protected function getJobs(): array
foreach ($this->jobs as $job) {
$jobs[] = new $job;
return $jobs ?? [];
I've changed the PdnsSync
job to run in a dedicated queue called pdns
. I also added the queue to the workers using the php artisan queue:work --queue=default,pdns
php artisan schedule:list
shows all the schedules as expected:
# truncated list
*/10 * * * * App\Jobs\PdnsSync ............ Next Due: xxx minutes from now
# ...other schedules
running the PdnsSync schedule manually via php artisan schedule:test
, still not executing the job.
php artisan queue:monitor redis:default,pdns
Queue name ......................................... Size / Status
[redis] default ........................................... [0] OK
[redis] pdns .............................................. [0] OK
In addition, telescope does even not showing any jobs in relation to the scheduled task:
All scheduled task/commands work fine except the PdnsSync
which did before and I run out of ideas.
I've renamed the class from App\Jobs\PdnsSync
to App\Jobs\PrivateDnsUpdate
. Now the jobs run as they should. I would like to understand this in depth.
Thanks for any ideas!
I've removed the ShouldBeUnique
interface in the Pdns
Class, which resolved the problem.
class PdnsSync implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeUnique
class PdnsSync implements ShouldQueue
However, I don't understand (yet) why this worked before but not after the maintenance.