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TimerManager.SetTimer - no viable function - Function is missing const qualifier

I am trying to Toggle a light after a specified Delay in Unreal 5.X. This is my approach:

void AC_LightSwitch_CodeOnly::ToggleLightAfterDelay(int32 DelayInMilliseconds) const
    FTimerHandle Timer;
    FTimerDelegate const& Delegate = FTimerDelegate::CreateLambda([]
        UC_Logger::Warn("Light Switch Async fired UwU");
    const UWorld* World = GetWorld();
    const FTimerManager& TimerManager = World->GetTimerManager();
    float Delay = DelayInMilliseconds / 1000.0F;
>>  TimerManager.SetTimer(Timer, Delegate, Delay, false, -1.f); // No viable function
    // Function is missing const qualifier

At the marked line I receive an compiler error telling me there is no matching overload... but I just cant understand ...

The overload im trying to use is:

inline void SetTimer(FTimerHandle& InOutHandle, FTimerDelegate const& InDelegate, float InRate, bool InbLoop, float InFirstDelay = -1)

I also tried removing the const from the Delegate tried around a lot, but I just can't get an idea why it's telling me that. Delegate is a const.

Here's the tooltip from Rider for the issue: Tooltip

And for better code readablilty a screenshot of this section: Colored Codeblock


  • Thanks to you guys I found the root of my error. Just like you said I could not find a viable function because FTimeManager had a const qualifier.

    I did not quiet understand the relation why the const of a variable influences the way I find overloads. :)

    Removed it and now it works, here's the new code:

    void AC_LightSwitch_CodeOnly::ToggleLightAfterDelay(const int32 DelayInMilliseconds) const
        FTimerHandle Timer;
        const FTimerDelegate &Delegate = FTimerDelegate::CreateLambda([]
            UC_Logger::Warn("Light Switch Async fired UwU");
        const UWorld* World = GetWorld();
        FTimerManager& TimerManager = World->GetTimerManager();
        const float& Delay = DelayInMilliseconds / 1000.0F;
        TimerManager.SetTimer(Timer, Delegate, Delay, false);

    Thank you all and have a great day!