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Global buffer overflow during .text section parsing

I am implementing an Android application that in native code reads its own code loaded in memory. I am not interested in reading it on disk, but the one that is running.

    extern char __ehdr_start;
    ElfW(Ehdr)* elfheader = (ElfW(Ehdr)*)&__ehdr_start;

    android_log("Self_textParser: ELF header [%1$p]", elfheader);

    ElfW(Phdr) *programHeader = (ElfW(Phdr)*)((uintptr_t)elfheader + elfheader->e_phoff);

    for (ElfW(Phdr)* current = programHeader; current < (programHeader + elfheader->e_phnum); ++current) {
        if (current->p_type != PT_LOAD) {
            android_log("Self_textParser: Discarding no loadable segment: p_offset (%1$p), p_vaddr (%2$p), p_paddr (%3$p), p_filesz (%4$p), p_memsz (%5$p), p_flags (%6$p)",
                 current->p_offset, current->p_vaddr, current->p_paddr, current->p_filesz, current->p_memsz, current->p_flags & 0xF);

        android_log("Self_textParser: Found a loadable segment: p_offset (%1$p), p_vaddr (%2$p), p_paddr (%3$p), p_filesz (%4$p), p_memsz (%5$p), p_flags (%6$p)",
             current->p_offset, current->p_vaddr, current->p_paddr, current->p_filesz, current->p_memsz, current->p_flags & 0xF);

        if ((current->p_flags & PF_X) != 0) {
            ElfW(Addr) loadBias = (uintptr_t)elfheader + current->p_vaddr;

            android_log("Self_textParser: loadBias: %1$p, len: %2$p", loadBias, current->p_memsz);

            unsigned char* p = loadBias;
            for (int j = 0; j + ALIGNMENT < current->p_memsz; j += ALIGNMENT, p += ALIGNMENT) {
                //android_log("Instruction: %02X%02X%02X%02X",*p,*(p+1),*(p+2),*(p+3));
                if (*(p + 3) == 0x04 && *(p + 2) == 0x03 && *(p + 1) == 0x02 && *p == 0x01) {
                    android_log("Instruction found");

The problem is that as you can see in the logs, although it does not reach the maximum size of the segment, a global buffer overflow occurs much earlier...

2024-01-30 17:55:53.737 26800-26800 SampleApp            D  Self_textParser: ELF header [0x6fad64a000]
2024-01-30 17:55:53.737 26800-26800 SampleApp            D  Self_textParser: Discarding no loadable segment: p_offset (0x40), p_vaddr (0x40), p_paddr (0x40), p_filesz (0x1f8), p_memsz (0x1f8), p_flags (0x4)
2024-01-30 17:55:53.737 26800-26800 SampleApp            D  Self_textParser: Found a loadable segment: p_offset (0x0), p_vaddr (0x0), p_paddr (0x0), p_filesz (0x25926d0), p_memsz (0x25926d0), p_flags (0x5)
2024-01-30 17:55:53.737 26800-26800 SampleApp            D  Self_textParser: loadBias: 0x6fad64a000, len: 0x25926d0
2024-01-30 17:55:53.742 26794-26794                 logwrapper                           I  =================================================================
2024-01-30 17:55:53.743 26794-26794                 logwrapper                           I  [1m[31m==26800==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: global-buffer-overflow on address 0x006fad8a2e73 at pc 0x006faf9110e8 bp 0x007fddf81fc0 sp 0x007fddf81fb8
2024-01-30 17:55:53.743 26794-26794                 logwrapper                           I  [1m[0m[1m[34mREAD of size 1 at 0x006fad8a2e73 thread T0 

I expect analyse the full .text code to find the 01020304 instruction in memory with an unsigned char* without buffer overflow.


  • The problem is that as you can see in the logs, although it does not reach the maximum size of the segment, a global buffer overflow occurs much earlier...

    The code reading "raw" LOAD text segment is incompatible with AddressSanitizer. If you want to run it under AddressSanitizer, you should add __attribute__((no_sanitize_address)) or some such, so the entire function containing your code is not instrumented (and any errors from it are never detected).

    It should be obvious why you can't read the RW LOAD segment -- the data in that segment contains various global buffers, and AddressSanitizer runtime knows the boundaries of these, and has red-zones between them.

    But you are not doing that -- you are only reading the contents of RX segment, so why is that a problem?

    It's a problem because linkers often merge readonly .rodata and .text sections into the RX LOAD segment (you can confirm section to segment mapping using readelf -Wl ...).

    So when you have

    const char SomeConstantData[] = "0123456789abcdef";

    that data could well end up in the RX segment you are about to scan, and the AddressSanitizer instrumentation would place red-zones on either side of this 17-byte array. Any attempt to read 18th byte (wherever it happens in the RX LOAD segment) would trigger global-buffer-overflow. Which is exactly what happened with your program.


    Your question is:

    Global buffer overflow during .text section parsing

    But you are not parsing .text section (if you did, there wouldn't have been a problem). You are parsing a segment containing .text section, and other sections.