I'm new to go and I was learning Go using the Go Tour. One of the challenges was to find a square root of a number. A formula was given with an initial value of 1.
After fiddling with it for a long while, I did some math to find a somewhat better initial value (~25-35% less average iterations, ~7-10% less average error). This initial seems better with bigger numbers.
Next thing I wanted to do was to check how long it takes for my function to compute square root of 1 to 100,000. Just for fun.
Looking at Go's time package, I made use of the time.Now()
and time.Since()
functions to calculate both my function's total time and math.Sqrt()
total time. But the numbers are oddly very, very low (~3ms for my function, 0 math.Sqrt()
I'm not sure if my timing code is incorrect, if my function actually only takes ~3ms (excluding printouts), and why math.Sqrt()
takes 0 time? (Is it perhaps already computed and it is just looking it up?), perhaps somne kind of threading action is happening?
I have no idea.
Here is all my code
package main
import (
func Sqrt(x float64) (float64, float64) {
count := 0
initial := 1
// initial = 1<<2^(digit count)
for n := x;n > 1; {
n = n / 10
initial = initial<<2
z := x / float64(initial)
var p float64
i := 0.0
for ; math.Abs(z-p) > 0.0000000001; i = i + 1 {
p = z
z -= (z*z - x) / (2 * z)
return z, i
func compute(x int) (float64, float64) {
input := float64(x)
guess, iterations := Sqrt(input)
expected := math.Sqrt(input)
err := float64(math.Abs(guess-expected))
fmt.Printf("Sqrt: %v\nExpected: %v\nGuess: %v\nError: %v\nIterations: %v\n\n", input, expected, guess, err, iterations)
return iterations, err
func main() {
size := 100000
var totalIterations []int
var totalErrs []string
var iterSum float64
var errSum float64
for i := 1; i < size + 1; i++ {
iter, err := compute(i)
totalIterations = append(totalIterations, int(iter))
formatedErr := strconv.FormatFloat(err, 'E', -1, 64)
totalErrs = append(totalErrs, formatedErr)
iterSum += iter
errSum += err
fmt.Printf("Iterations sum %v\nAverage iteration count: %v\nError sum: %v\nError average: %v\n", iterSum, iterSum/float64(len(totalIterations)), errSum, errSum/float64(len(totalErrs)))
// re-running the loops for finding time (temporary), I will incoperate it to the above loop later
customTimeStart := time.Now()
for i := 1; i < size + 1; i++ {
elapsedCustom := time.Since(customTimeStart)
mathTimeStart := time.Now()
for i := 1; i < size + 1; i++ {
elapsedMath := time.Since(mathTimeStart)
fmt.Printf("Total custom time: %s\nTotal math time: %s\n", elapsedCustom, elapsedMath)
The Golang compiler optimizes math.Sqrt
function by replacing it with a call to the internal function math.sqrt
. Subsequently, on most hardware platforms, including the AMD64 architecture, the compiler further substitutes math.sqrt
with platform-dependent SQRT
opcode. For AMD64, it is SQRTSD
assembly instruction (see here ).
As a result, calls to math.Sqrt exhibit extremely fast execution times, measured in fractions of nanoseconds. You can verify these optimizations by compiling your program into assembly using the command go build -gcflags=-S some.go
Then check the assembly for compute
0x001a 00026 (/mnt/d/tmp/try-go/trygo/some.go:33) XORPS X0, X0
0x001d 00029 (/mnt/d/tmp/try-go/trygo/some.go:33) CVTSQ2SD AX, X0
0x0022 00034 (/mnt/d/tmp/try-go/trygo/some.go:33) MOVSD X0, main.input+72(SP)
0x0028 00040 (/mnt/d/tmp/try-go/trygo/some.go:34) PCDATA $1, $0
0x0028 00040 (/mnt/d/tmp/try-go/trygo/some.go:34) CALL main.Sqrt(SB)
0x002d 00045 (/mnt/d/tmp/try-go/trygo/some.go:34) MOVSD X1, main.iterations+64(SP)
0x0033 00051 (/usr/local/go/src/math/sqrt.go:94) MOVSD main.input+72(SP), X2
0x0039 00057 (/usr/local/go/src/math/sqrt.go:94) SQRTSD X2, X3
0x003d 00061 (/mnt/d/tmp/try-go/trygo/some.go:36) MOVUPS X0, X4
0x0040 00064 (/mnt/d/tmp/try-go/trygo/some.go:36) SUBSD X3, X0
See this line 0x0039 00057 (/usr/local/go/src/math/sqrt.go:94) SQRTSD X2, X3
? This is what Go compiler generated for math.Sqrt
Go has a better way to evaluate performance. It is called benchmarking
package main
import (
func BenchmarkMathSqrt(b *testing.B) {
x := rand.Float64()
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func BenchmarkCustomSqrt(b *testing.B) {
x := rand.Float64()
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
Run it: go test -benchmem -bench ^Benchmark.*$ .
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
pkg: sqrt
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz
BenchmarkMathSqrt-8 1000000000 0.2609 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkCustomSqrt-8 60635712 19.72 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op