My plan is to check all textfields whether they are empty or not. If empty I want to display an error message and keep displaying the SignUp.jsp. This is the code:
if (uEmail.isEmpty() || uFName.isEmpty() || uLName.isEmpty() || uPass.isEmpty()) {
request.setAttribute("errorMessage", "All fields are required!");
dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher("${pageContext.request.contextPath}/user/SignUp.jsp");
dispatcher.forward(request, response);
But the problem is I feel like the server cannot find my file even though the file path is correct.
My expectation is for the servlet to keep displaying the sign up page (SignUp.jsp) whenever any block code is executed.
Btw, I have already tried changing the file path to
dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher("user/SignUp.jsp");
dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher("SignUp.jsp");
But still didn't work.
The correct path from the web app root folder will be
So you can use this code to forward to the JSP
RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher("/user/SignUp.jsp");
dispatcher.forward(request, response);
The problem is in your code where you get a dispatcher in the if
block and if the condition is false
then a dispatcher won't get a path to the JSP.