I have two lists of dataframes that I need to merge based on the matching names in in the two lists. Here is the data:
data <- list(foo = structure(list(bodyPart = c("leg", "arm", "knee", "eye"), side = c("LEFT", "RIGHT", "LEFT", "LEFT"), device = c("LLI", "LSM", "GHT", "LLM"), length = c(12, 476, 7, 2), id = c("AA", "BB", "CC", "NN"), mwID = c("a12", "k87", "j98", NA)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -4L)), bar = structure(list(bodyPart = c("ankel", "ear", "knee", "ARM"), side = c("LEFT", "LEFT", "LEFT", "RIGHT"), device = c("GOM", "LSM", "YYY", "RWS"), id = c("ZZ", "DD", "FF", "DC"), tqID = c("kj8", "ll23", "sc26", "fg12")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -4L)))
Here is the list I would like to merge to the data:
sub <- list(foo.new = structure(list("Duo:length" = c(23, 54, 77), id = c("AA", "BB", "CC")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -3L)), bar.excel.km = structure(list("Duo:side" = c("LEFT", "RIGHT", "LEFT"), id = c("ZZ", "DD", "FF")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -3L)))
here is the desired output:
output <- list(foo = structure(list(id = c("AA", "BB", "CC", "NN"), bodyPart = c("leg",
"arm", "knee", "eye"), side = c("LEFT", "RIGHT", "LEFT", "LEFT"
), device = c("LLI", "LSM", "GHT", "LLM"), length = c(12, 476,
7, 2), mwID = c("a12", "k87", "j98", NA), `Duo:length` = c(23,
54, 77, NA)), row.names = c(NA, -4L), class = "data.frame"),
bar = structure(list(id = c("DC", "DD", "FF", "ZZ"), bodyPart = c("ARM",
"ear", "knee", "ankel"), side = c("RIGHT", "LEFT", "LEFT",
"LEFT"), device = c("RWS", "LSM", "YYY", "GOM"), tqID = c("fg12",
"ll23", "sc26", "kj8"), `Duo:side` = c(NA, "RIGHT", "LEFT",
"LEFT")), row.names = c(NA, -4L), class = "data.frame"))
I used the code below but the problem is there I can't specify that all the dataframes starting with "foo" in "sub" table should be merged to the "foo" table in Data.
Map(merge, data, sub, by='id', all=TRUE)
For pattern-matching like this, I suggest a double for
-loop for simplicity.
for (nm1 in names(data)) {
for (nm2 in grep(nm1, names(sub), value=TRUE)) {
data[[nm1]] <- merge(data[[nm1]], sub[[nm2]], by = "id", all = TRUE)
# $foo
# id bodyPart side device length mwID Duo:length
# 1 AA leg LEFT LLI 12 a12 23
# 2 BB arm RIGHT LSM 476 k87 54
# 3 CC knee LEFT GHT 7 j98 77
# 4 NN eye LEFT LLM 2 <NA> NA
# $bar
# id bodyPart side device tqID Duo:side
# 1 DC ARM RIGHT RWS fg12 <NA>
# 2 DD ear LEFT LSM ll23 RIGHT
# 3 FF knee LEFT YYY sc26 LEFT
# 4 ZZ ankel LEFT GOM kj8 LEFT
Your output$foo
includes Duo:bodyPart
, but that isn't clear from where that data is sourced, I've skipped it for now.
data <- list(foo = structure(list(bodyPart = c("leg", "arm", "knee", "eye"), side = c("LEFT", "RIGHT", "LEFT", "LEFT"), device = c("LLI", "LSM", "GHT", "LLM"), length = c(12, 476, 7, 2), id = c("AA", "BB", "CC", "NN"), mwID = c("a12", "k87", "j98", NA)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -4L)), bar = structure(list(bodyPart = c("ankel", "ear", "knee", "ARM"), side = c("LEFT", "LEFT", "LEFT", "RIGHT"), device = c("GOM", "LSM", "YYY", "RWS"), id = c("ZZ", "DD", "FF", "DC"), tqID = c("kj8", "ll23", "sc26", "fg12")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -4L)))
sub <- list(foo.new = structure(list("Duo:length" = c(23, 54, 77), id = c("AA", "BB", "CC")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -3L)), bar.excel.km = structure(list("Duo:side" = c("LEFT", "RIGHT", "LEFT"), id = c("ZZ", "DD", "FF")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -3L)))