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How to decrypt JWE has alg ECDH-ES+A256KW use php

I'm updating singpass v3 to v4 using php CI. API getPersonal return jwe has alg ECDH-ES+A256KW. I copy it jwe to demo project (use js) of singpass it can decrypt. I have the same encryption private key with demo project

I tried lib simpleJwt it throw error "Key not found or invalid" enter image description here. I'm trying lib web-token/jwt-framework but it throw Error: The algorithm "ECDH-ES+A256KW" is not supported.


  • The algorithm ECDH-ES+A256KW is supported by the web-token/ suite. You have to install the associated package web-token/jwt-encryption-algorithm-ecdh-es and add an instance of Jose\Component\Encryption\Algorithm\KeyEncryption\ECDHESA256KW to the algorithm manager.

    /!\ DISLAIMER : I am the author of the web-token/* suite and maintain the documentation.