I want to display translated rule messages, when Vuetify validation fails
Template section
Script section
const nameValidationRules = ref([requiredRule, blankValidator])
Validator rules are kept in "validationRules.ts"
export const requiredRule = (value: any): string | boolean => !!value || 'This field is required';
export const blankValidator = (value: string | null | undefined): string | boolean => !value || !!value?.trim() || 'This field cannot be blank.';
I want to replace the 'This field is required' with i18n variable.
You could pass translation function to the rule definition :
const {t} = useI18n()
const nameValidationRules = ref([requiredRule(t), blankValidator(t)])
export const requiredRule = (t: any) => (value: any): string | boolean => !!value || t('required');
export const blankValidator = (t: any) => (value: string | null | undefined): string | boolean => !value || !!value?.trim() || t('not_blank');