I have a library build using reactJS and vite https://github.com/gsharath/sample-for-st-lib , which I am using in another react project https://github.com/gsharath/sample-for-st . When I do npm install , it installs the minified version of the library, which seems good so far.
This is what I have in my sample-for-st-lib library:
export const Button = ()=>{
<button>My Button</button>
This is my vite.config for my library
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react'
import path from 'path';
export default defineConfig({
build: {
lib: {
entry: {
components: path.resolve(__dirname, './src/components/index.js')
name: 'sample-for-st-lib',
rollupOptions: {
external: ['react','react-dom'],
emptyOutDir: true,
plugins: [react()],
I am referring this in my project using:
import { Button } from "sample-for-st-lib/components"
function App() {
return (
<Button />
Test library
Now while doing dev work and to debug issues, I am using npm link to create link between the library and project, so that
I looked at sourcemap option in vite.config which doesn't seem to be helping here.
I understand that since I am using this as a library, we need to rely on storybook to see how the components looks during dev mode or write something in library as a wrapper which helps me to debug it there, but I am looking to find out a way to debug the components from where my library is used. Did someone encounter this before and have something to guide me.
Any help is highly appreciated. Sorry for the not-so-good-formatting
In order to help debug during development with your current workflow, there are two key things to change from the github repos you linked to:
npm uninstall sample-for-st-lib
within sample-for-st
(so you can properly link them with npm
to the vite build in sample-for-st-lib
, ideally behind some env varFrom fresh checkouts, starting with sample-for-st-lib
npm install
to your vite build ('inline'
)npm run build
npm link
Now a fresh checkout of sample-for-st
npm install
npm uninstall sample-for-st-lib
npm link sample-for-st-lib
npm run dev
From here you can go back to sample-for-st-lib
make changes to Button
and then, here is the key, remember to run npm run build
, so the changes can be picked up by the vite dev server running for sample-for-st
Intentionally cause an error in Button
by calling a function that doesn't exist, rebuild, and you should be able to see the source code for Button in your dev tools.