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Self Left Join with no identitical row values

I am trying to create a self left join on a table which looks like below-

SystemID UserID DateTimeStamp Entry
1234 ABC 29/07/2023 22:04:48 New Process :30/07/23
1232 ABC 29/07/2023 22:04:47 Task : PQR
1214 ABC 29/07/2023 22:04:42 Task : PQR
1211 ABC 29/07/2023 22:04:26 Task : PQR
1209 ABC 29/07/2023 22:03:56 New Process :30/07/23
1206 ABC 29/07/2023 22:03:56 Task : LMN
1201 ABC 29/07/2023 22:03:47 Task : LMN
1189 ABC 29/07/2023 22:03:26 Task : LMN
1167 DEF 29/07/2023 21:58:30 New Process :30/07/23
1166 DEF 29/07/2023 21:58:29 Task : ZZZ
1160 DEF 29/07/2023 21:58:23 Task : ZZZ
1154 DEF 29/07/2023 21:58:22 Task : ZZZ

The table says that SystemID 1234 is a New Process and is for the Task PQR. Similarly, SystemID 1209 is a New Process for Task LMN and SystemID 1167 is a New Process for Task ZZZ

Is there a way I can get the 'New Process' row with the top most 'Task'row and the related UserID and DateTimeStamp linked to it like below -

SystemID UserID DateTimeStamp Entry Task TaskDateTime TaskUserID
1234 ABC 29/07/2023 22:04:48 New Process:30/07/23 PQR 29/07/2023 22:04:48 ABC
1209 ABC 29/07/2023 22:03:56 New Process:30/07/23 LMN 29/07/2023 22:03:56 ABC
1167 DEF 29/07/2023 21:58:30 New Process:30/07/23 ZZZ 29/07/2023 21:58:39 DEF

Is there any way I can achieve the above result set?


  • You can use a APPLY() operator

    select *
    from   table1 t
           outer apply
               select top 1 *
               from   table1 x
               where  x.UserID = t.UserID
               and    x.DateTimeStamp < t.DateTimeStamp
               order by x.DateTimeStamp desc
           ) a
    where  t.Entry like 'New Process%'

    Or row_number()

    with cte as
      select *, rn = row_number() over(partition by UserID order by DateTimeStamp desc)
      from   table1
    select *
    from   cte c1
           left join cte c2 on  c2.UserID = c1.UserID
                            and c2.rn     = c1.rn + 1
    where  c1.Entry like 'New Process%'

    Or lead() or lag() window function

    with cte as
      select *, 
             prevEntry = lead(Entry) over(partition by UserID order by DateTimeStamp desc),
             prevDT    = lead(DateTimeStamp) over(partition by UserID order by DateTimeStamp desc)
      from   table1
    select *
    from   cte c
    where  c.Entry like 'New Process%'