I want to return the max value in this case dates for each row, I want to return the last time between worker 1, 2 and 3 for each row in column "Last time".
Original Table and columns
In excel this is super simple MAX(A1,B1,C1), MAX(A2,B2,B2)....
in Dax I create a column
LT1 = MAX(example[Worker 1],example[Worker 2])
Then another column
Last Time = max(example[la1],example[Worker 3])
I get the right results but I was hopping for more elegant solution than that.
Thank You,
I try this as well but it did not work
MaxValue = MAXX('Table', {MAX('Table'[Column1]), MAX('Table'[Column2]), MAX('Table'[Column3])})
DAX with a Calculated Column
MaxValue = MAXX({[Worker 1], [Worker 2], [Worker 3]}, [Value])
PowerQuery with a Custom Column
List.Max({[Worker 1], [Worker 2], [Worker 3]})