I want to know what comes especificaly after the "@" on an email value that is in an input with python, what are ways to do it?
Examples: email: input("Write your email: ")
User input: Write you email: [email protected]
[email protected] result: hotmail.com
[email protected] result: gmail.com
I have no idea on how I can do it, but I would try manging strings and using len()
You can do this way:
email = '[email protected]'
#Get the index of '@' with find method and add 1 to it
idx = email.find('@') + 1
#Get the character with email[idx]
required_character = email[idx]
print(required_character) #output : 'h'
#to get the domain name after the symbol @
domain = email[idx:]
print(domain) #output : hotmail.com