I want to combine 3 tables using Power BI. This is what they currently look like.
I was able to combine them like this using this code:
Table.Combine({"Table1","Table2","Table3"}, {"Store","Name","Year"})
I would like to transform them in a long format like this
but combine only works for columns of the same name. I tried 'merge' but it changed the format to wide which I don't want. I tried 'transpose' but it made my table look like this which is not what I want:
store1 store1 store1
mary john roger
1968 2020 1984....
Does anyone have any advice? I checked online here, here and here but my case seems different.
Thank you in advance for any help or if you can point me to a similar question that was answered.
Here is my data in markdown format:
Store Name Year Fav fruit Fav veg
Store1 Mary 1968 apple carrot
Store1 John 2020 pear turnip
Store1 Roger 1984 plum potato
Store Name Year Height Weight
Store2 Mary 1968 5ft 100kg
Store2 John 2020 6ft 90kg
Store2 Bob 1996 7ft 80kg
Store Name Year Fav drink Fav candy
Store3 Mary 1968 pepsi kitkat
Store3 John 2020 coke m&m
Store3 Henry 1978 fanta hershey
let Source = Table.UnpivotOtherColumns(Table1, {"Store", "Name", "Year"}, "Question", "Answer") &
Table.UnpivotOtherColumns(Table2, {"Store", "Name", "Year"}, "Question", "Answer") &
Table.UnpivotOtherColumns(Table3, {"Store", "Name", "Year"}, "Question", "Answer")
in Source