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How to remove outline around nodes in network graph R

I have a network graph shown below, where I have categorized specific nodes, associated with different shades of green. For the colors to pop better, is there a way to remove the black outlines around the circle or at least make it the same color as my node?

This a snippet of my code, where color_quartile is a previously designated list of four colors.

V(net)$color <- V(net)$color_quartile
V(net)$label <- NA

plot(net, layout = l, edge.curved = 0.25, vertex.size = V(net)$size*0.3, color = "white", edge.width = E(net)$width*0.2)

enter image description here


  • Try this.

    g <- make_star(10)
    plot(g, vertex.frame.color = "green", vertex.frame.width = 0, edge.curved = 0.25)
    # Or set frame border to vertex color.
    col <- colorRampPalette(c("green", "darkgreen"))(gorder(g))
    V(g)$color       <- col
    V(g)$frame.color <- col; plot(g, vertex.frame.width=4, edge.curved = 0.25)
    ?plot.igraph          # doc. Plotting of graphs.
    ?igraph.plotting      # doc. Drawing graphs.

    Documentation can be found here: