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"Message not sent!" when running sentry:test command

I'm trying to add Sentry to a Symfony application, but I can't get the Sentry client to actually send anything to Sentry. I've followed the instructions by running composer require sentry/sentry-symfony, adding the DSN to my .env file, adding this controller;


namespace App\Controller;

use Exception;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;

class SentryTestController
    #[Route(path: 'sentry_test')]
    public function test()
        throw new Exception('test');

and going to the sentry_test page. While the exception is thrown, nothing appears in Sentry.

The Sentry bundle has been added to bundles.php as Sentry\SentryBundle\SentryBundle::class => ['all' => true], I've tried setting APP_ENV=prod and APP_DEBUG=false, but it still doesn't work.

Running php bin/console sentry:test (which got added as a command after installing sentry/sentry-symfony) results in

DSN correctly configured in the current client
Sending test message...
Message not sent!
<warning>Check your DSN or your before_send callback if used</warning>

Anything obvious I'm missing?


  • After diving into the source code for both sentry/sentry and sentry/sentry-symfony, I came across a cURL HTTP error. After googling that specific error the fix was quite simple; composer update "sentry/*" -W to update all Sentry packages and their dependencies. I figured running composer require sentry/... would install the latest available version, but apparently it did not.

    Sentry works properly now.