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openvpn - unable to do ssh using openVPN to another EC2

Architecture( within SAME ACCOUNT)-

  1. OpenVPN is present in VPC A ( and was configured using AWS marketplace in region ap-south-1.
  2. Another instance "test" is in VPC B ( in a different region ca-central-1
  3. There is a VPC peering between VPC A to VPC B and vice versa

Current Situation

  1. I am able to ssh into OpenVPN instance and telnet to "test" at 22 is working which indicates that peering is working as expected


  1. When I connect to the OpenVPN server and then try to do an ssh to "test" EC2 instance in VPC B, I am getting a timeout error at port 22.

Things I have tried so far

  1. Check telnet at 22 from VPC A to VPC B
  2. Verify NACLs, Route tables, security Groups for port 22 in both the VPC ranges

I am unable to figure out the issue, If somebody has worked on this and could help me debug this issue would be really appreciable. Thanks


  • To facilitate your access to a specific server through OpenVPN, please follow the steps outlined below:

    • Log in to the OpenVPN Access Server web console.
    • Navigate to User Management > User Permissions.
    • Click on "More Settings" for the relevant VPN user.
    • Add the desired server IP address under Access Control.
    • Save the changes.

    Following these steps, you should be able to connect to the server seamlessly through OpenVPN.
