I need to change the logic apps that use a certain azure function because it was moved. How do I find which Logic apps use this azure function?
it should be a query in Azure Resource Graph Explorer but I am not familiar with the syntax. Thanks
Find logic that calls a known Azure function with Resource Graph Explorer: -
To find the logic app that uses your function/function app, you can use either of the below queries which satisfies your requirement.
| where type == 'microsoft.logic/workflows'
| where properties.definition.actions contains "Provide your function app/function name"
| project logicapp = name
| where type == 'microsoft.logic/workflows'
| extend workflowDefinition = parse_json(properties.definition)
| mv-expand trigger = workflowDefinition.triggers
| where tostring(trigger) contains 'Apiconnection' and tostring(trigger) contains "Provide your function app/function name"
| project logicapp = name, id