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Graph API addPassword - Secret not shown in porta

I have an azure function that regenerates various App Registration secrets on Azure AD using the Graph API.

The call I make is relatively simple:

  "passwordCredential": {
    "displayName": "Password friendly name"    

The Response I get is an OK 200:

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#microsoft.graph.passwordCredential",
    "customKeyIdentifier": null,
    "displayName": "Password friendly name",
    "endDateTime": "2026-01-30T10:16:31.9513536Z",
    "hint": "XCE",
    "keyId": "{redacted}",
    "secretText": "{redacted}",
    "startDateTime": "2024-01-30T10:16:31.9513536Z"

And I am able to use the newly generated secret, i.e. it is fully functional, BUT, I am not seeing the secret appear on the secrets list on the Azure Portal.

This appears to be a known issue , but I can't find the answer anywhere.


If you wish to achieve the same programmatically in C#, try something like this:

 var applications = await GetAppRegistrationsAsync(log, filterCriteria, graphServiceClient);
 foreach (var application in applications)
     var requestBody = new AddPasswordPostRequestBody
         PasswordCredential = new PasswordCredential
             DisplayName = "Secret Name",
             //StartDateTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
             //EndDateTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddYears(1) // Set expiration as needed

     var resultApp = await graphServiceClient.Applications[$"{application.Id}"].AddPassword.PostAsync(requestBody);
 private static async Task<IEnumerable<Application>> GetAppRegistrationsAsync(ILogger log, string filterCriteria,  GraphServiceClient graphServiceClient)
         var applications = await graphServiceClient
             .GetAsync(requestConfiguration =>
                 requestConfiguration.QueryParameters.Filter = filterCriteria;

         // var servicePrincipals = await _graphServiceClient.ServicePrincipals.GetAsync( x => x.QueryParameters.Filter );
         return applications is { Value: { } } ? applications.Value : Enumerable.Empty<Application>();
     catch (Exception e)


  • Note that: You are creating service principal secrets whereas Azure Portal shows application secrets by default. Refer this SO Thread by AlfredoRevilla-MSFT.

    But you can use Service Principal secrets created but visually not visible in Portal.

    If you want to be visible in Portal in Azure AD application -> Certificates & secrets tab , then create it by using application query like below:

    "passwordCredential": {
    "displayName": "test"

    enter image description here

    Now the secret is visible in the Azure Portal:

    enter image description here


    Service Principal Credential Reset does not appear in Azure Portal App Registration GUI · Issue #23566 · Azure/azure-cli · GitHub by jiasli