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what's the point of using event callback in blazor

i was wondering if we call a function directly, why should we use event call back ? for example i use event callback to set color of a component from child to parent

this is child component

<button @onclick="OnButtonClick">Click me</button>

@code {

    public EventCallback<string> OnColorChange { get; set; }

    private async Task OnButtonClick()
        await OnColorChange.InvokeAsync("new-color");

and this is parent component

<ChildComponent OnColorChange="HandleColorChange" />

@code {
    private string currentColorClass = "default-color";

    private void HandleColorChange(string newColorClass)
        currentColorClass = newColorClass;


so insted of all of these define HandleColorChange as public static and we can just call it directly like this


and this isn't only problem , we use js interop to call c# function , although we can handle all of these by calling it directly, and the final question is : when we can handle by this way and when we shouldn't


  • It's bad because:

    1. Components are meant to be reusable.
    2. You are tightly coupling the child to the parent.
    3. You can only have zero or one instances [which you can't guarantee]. Image a column component in a table: you would update all the columns.
    4. The various other reasons given by knowledgeable programmers in the comments.


    when we can handle by this way and when we shouldn't

    Never do it this way, which should be apparent from the comments.

    You're creating a single use component for a very specific use case. You might as well forget the component and just create a render fragment you can use in the parent component. That way you forgo all the expense of a component.

    In the end it's your code, so your decision.

    An important point to understand is you don't control the creation, lifecycle or disposal of components. That's the responsibility of the Renderer.