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MongoDB/Mongoose Query: Retrieve Routes from Location A to Location B with Precedence Constraints

I am working on a MongoDB project using Mongoose and have encountered a challenge with querying route documents. Each route document has a structure like this:

const locationSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  name: { type: String, required: true },
  precedence: { type: Number, required: true },

const routeSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  name: { type: String, required: true },
  locations: [{ type: locationSchema, required: true }],

The locations array contains subdocuments with fields name and precedence.

Precedence here represents - If a route has locations A, B, and C with precedences 1, 2, and 3 respectively, it means that location A will be covered first, followed by B, and then C.

Now, I need to retrieve all routes that go from Location A to Location B, where the precedence of Location A is smaller than the precedence of Location B.

if this is the data :

    "name": "routeA",
    "name": "routeB",

I should get only routeA.

I tried using aggregate, but i didn't got the required result.


  • One option is:

    1. $match only documents where locations includes both A and B
    2. Use $filter and $sortArray to add a new temp array of A and B only, where A is first.
    3. $match only documents where the first precedence is smaller
    4. Format
      {$match: {"": {$all: ["A", "B"]}}},
      {$addFields: {route: {
            $sortArray: {
              input: {$filter: {
                  input: "$locations",
                  cond: {$in: ["$$", ["A", "B"]]}
              sortBy: {name: 1}
      {$match: {$expr: {
         $lt: [{$first: "$route.precedence"}, {$last: "$route.precedence"}]
      {$unset: "route"}

    See how it works on the playground example