I want to export the MediaWiki markup for a number of articles (but not all articles) from a local MediaWiki installation. I want just the current article markup, not the history or anything else, with an individual text file for each article. I want to perform this export programatically and ideally on the MediaWiki server, not remotely.
For example, if I am interested in the Apple, Banana and Cupcake articles I want to be able to:
article_list = ["Apple", "Banana", "Cupcake"] for a in article_list: get_article(a, a + ".txt")
My intention is to:
Is this already possible with MediaWiki? It doesn't look like it. It also doesn't look like Pywikipediabot has such a script.
A fallback would be to be able to do this manually (using the Export special page) and easily parse the output into text files. Are there existing tools to do this? Is there a description of the MediaWiki XML dump format? (I couldn't find one.)
It looks like getText.php is a builtin server-side maintenance script for exporting the wikitext of a specific article. (Easier than querying the database.)
Found it via Publishing from MediaWiki which covers all angles on exporting from MediaWiki.