My aim is to get something that looks like the image below:
For the moment I've tried to build it like this:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
X = ['Class 1','Class 2','Class 3','Class 4', 'Class 5', 'Class 6', 'Class 7']
sE = ['-9,51', '-13,5', '0,193', '9,564', '23,13', '-0,252', '-0,442']
s = ['19,605', '28,388', '1,762', '-4,264', '-24,716', '-26,956', '0,382']
eE = ['-5,364', '-7,954', '-3,756', '-0,184', '1,883', '41,876', '-0,012']
X_axis = np.arange(len(X))
#, sE, color='red',width = 0.25, edgecolor='black')
#, s, color='cyan',width = 0.25, edgecolor='black')
#, eE, color='green',width = 0.25, edgecolor='black')
#plt.hist([sE, s, eE], color = ['red', 'cyan', 'green'], edgecolor = 'black', histtype = 'bar')
#plt.xticks(X_axis, X)
plt.title("Geographical STP A")
But we're a long way from achieving the desired result. I really have no idea how to do this, can you help me ?
To be able to plot, the strings should be converted to numeric.
Plots with multiple bars per X-value are much easier using the Pandas (or Seaborn) library which builds on matplotlib for plotting. Your data doesn't have data for histogram, you seem to want a bar plot.
Here is some code. Many customizations are possible.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
X = ['Class 1', 'Class 2', 'Class 3', 'Class 4', 'Class 5', 'Class 6', 'Class 7']
sE = ['-9,51', '-13,5', '0,193', '9,564', '23,13', '-0,252', '-0,442']
s = ['19,605', '28,388', '1,762', '-4,264', '-24,716', '-26,956', '0,382']
eE = ['-5,364', '-7,954', '-3,756', '-0,184', '1,883', '41,876', '-0,012']
# organize the data as a pandas dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({'Class': X, 'sE': sE, 's': s, 'eE': eE})
# convert strings to numeric
df['sE'] = df['sE'].str.replace(',','.').astype(float)
df['s'] = df['s'].str.replace(',','.').astype(float)
df['eE'] = df['eE'].str.replace(',','.').astype(float)
ax = df.set_index('Class').plot(kind='bar')
ax.set_title("Geographical STP A")
ax.tick_params(axis='x', rotation=0)
Possible customizations could include:
ax = df.set_index('Class').plot(kind='bar', color=['crimson', 'limegreen', 'dodgerblue'])
ax.set_title("Geographical STP A")
ax.tick_params(axis='x', rotation=0, length=0) # rotate tick labels horizontally, remove tick mark
ax.grid(True, axis='y') # add a grid in the y direction
ax.set_xlabel('') # remove superfluous x label
for dir in ['top', 'bottom', 'right']:
ax.spines[dir].set_visible(False) # remove the border around the plot
PS: The dataframe looks like:
Class | sE | s | eE |
Class 1 | -9.51 | 19.605 | -5.364 |
Class 2 | -13.5 | 28.388 | -7.954 |
Class 3 | 0.193 | 1.762 | -3.756 |
Class 4 | 9.564 | -4.264 | -0.184 |
Class 5 | 23.13 | -24.716 | 1.883 |
Class 6 | -0.252 | -26.956 | 41.876 |
Class 7 | -0.442 | 0.382 | -0.012 |