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How to remove pattern matching for verifying user information in scala?

I am new to Scala as have been java developer until now.

I have a functionality to login like where user can have multiple passwords:

def login(User user) : Boolean = {
 String username = user.username
 String password = user.password

 (username, password) match {
   case("Amit","AmitSecret1" | "AmitSecret2") => true
   case("Rahul","Atemporary") => true
   case("Tom","Howareyou") => true
   case("Roger","Dummy") => true
   ... // lot of other cases
   case("_","_") => false


Is there any other way of verifying login check without pattern matching which does not involves case for every combination?


  • You could have a Map[Username, Set[Password]] you could then do:

    def login(user: User): UserStatus = {
      map.get(key = user.username).fold(ifEmpty = UserDoesNotExist) { passwords =>
        if (passwords.contains(user.password))

    I just made up the whole UserStatus ADT, but I hope the intent is clear.