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window.rewardful is not a function when integrating Rewardful into Next.js

I have inserted the code snippets given by rewardful into my next.js _document.js file in order to have the required code on every page, like this:

useEffect(() => {
    function func1(w,r) {
  }, []);

And this is my head tag. APIKEY replaces the API key I have in the code:

<link rel="preconnect" href=""></link>
<link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin></link>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"></link>
<Script async src='' data-rewardful='APIKEY'></Script>

I am using Stripe elements as a checkout, and when I try to call window.rewardful('convert', { email: email });, or rewardful('convert', { email: email });, I am told that window.rewardful is not a function and rewardful is not defined respectively.

It is being called when paymentIntent.status is succeeded.


  • Solution is to not to use useEffect() and instead load required content using Next.js <Script /> tags with strategy set to before-interactive. If you don't load before interactive it won't work.


        <Script id="rewardful_func" strategy="beforeInteractive"> 
        } </Script>
        <Script id="rewardful_api" 
        data-rewardful="YOUR_REWARDFUL_CODE" >