I would like to create a visual that shows the average value for all my series in a fact table, and have a slicer that, when utilized, the data set sliced is REMOVED from the average and shown separately. The point of this is to answer "this series compares to the average of the other series, without including itself, in this way."
I can't decide if this can be done in DAX (which I'm still new to ) or would require a calculated table. I performed the feat in excel using sumifs / countifs, and then graphing that next to what is being excluded. I'm sure it's not hard...
Here's the simple data
Date | Person | Score |
1/1/2023 | Bob | 140 |
1/1/2023 | Sarah | 125 |
1/1/2023 | Sam | 140 |
1/1/2023 | Alex | 155 |
2/1/2023 | Bob | 50 |
2/1/2023 | Sarah | 185 |
2/1/2023 | Sam | 200 |
2/1/2023 | Alex | 215 |
3/1/2023 | Bob | 230 |
3/1/2023 | Sarah | 245 |
3/1/2023 | Sam | 260 |
3/1/2023 | Alex | 275 |
4/1/2023 | Bob | 290 |
4/1/2023 | Sarah | 305 |
4/1/2023 | Sam | 320 |
4/1/2023 | Alex | 335 |
5/1/2023 | Bob | 350 |
5/1/2023 | Sarah | 365 |
5/1/2023 | Sam | 380 |
5/1/2023 | Alex | 395 |
and here's the result in excel:
Create two measures similar to:
Avg Not Selected =
var selectedPerson =
NOT ISFILTERED('YourTable'[Person]) ||
NOT 'YourTable'[Person] IN selectedPerson
Avg Selected =
var hasSelection =
var result = AVERAGE('YourTable'[Score])
return SWITCH( TRUE(),
hasSelection, result,
NOT ISBLANK(result), 0