I would like to plot this in gnuplot :
my data :
#x, y, cm[], r, theta, theta*180./M_PI
0.125 0.125 0.1309 0.125 0.1309 7.5
0.125 0.375 0.1309 0.125 0.392699 22.5
0.375 0.125 0.392699 0.375 0.1309 7.5
0.3125 0.3125 0.327249 0.3125 0.327249 18.75
0.3125 0.4375 0.327249 0.3125 0.458149 26.25
0.4375 0.3125 0.458149 0.4375 0.327249 18.75
0.4375 0.4375 0.458149 0.4375 0.458149 26.25
0.125 0.625 0.1309 0.125 0.654498 37.5
0.125 0.875 0.1309 0.125 0.916298 52.5
0.3125 0.5625 0.327249 0.3125 0.589049 33.75
0.3125 0.6875 0.327249 0.3125 0.719948 41.25
0.4375 0.5625 0.458149 0.4375 0.589049 33.75
0.4375 0.6875 0.458149 0.4375 0.719948 41.25
0.375 0.875 0.392699 0.375 0.916298 52.5
0.625 0.125 0.654498 0.625 0.1309 7.5
0.5625 0.3125 0.589049 0.5625 0.327249 18.75
0.5625 0.4375 0.589049 0.5625 0.458149 26.25
0.6875 0.3125 0.719948 0.6875 0.327249 18.75
0.6875 0.4375 0.719948 0.6875 0.458149 26.25
0.875 0.125 0.916298 0.875 0.1309 7.5
0.875 0.375 0.916298 0.875 0.392699 22.5
0.5625 0.5625 0.589049 0.5625 0.589049 33.75
0.5625 0.6875 0.589049 0.5625 0.719948 41.25
0.6875 0.5625 0.719948 0.6875 0.589049 33.75
0.6875 0.6875 0.719948 0.6875 0.719948 41.25
0.625 0.875 0.654498 0.625 0.916298 52.5
0.875 0.625 0.916298 0.875 0.654498 37.5
0.875 0.875 0.916298 0.875 0.916298 52.5
where cm[] is the value I'd like to plot in polar coordinates. I think I need to use dgrid3d but I don't know how and if it's possible to obtain the same image but with gnuplot?
my piece of code :
set pm3d map
unset key
set multiplot
# plot the heatmap
unset border
unset xtics
unset ytics
set angles degrees
r = 1
set xrange[-r:r]
set yrange[-r:r]
set colorbox user origin 0.9,0.1 size 0.03,0.8
#set dgrid3d 20,20
sp 'log' u 1:2:3
# now plot the polar grid only
set style line 11 lc rgb 'white' lw 2
set grid polar ls 11
set polar
set rrange[0:r]
unset raxis
set rtics format '' scale 0
set for [i=0:330:30] label at first (r+0.35)*cos(i), first (r+0.35)*sin(i)\
center sprintf('%d', i)
plot NaN w l
unset multiplot
I have tried the code here :`
set mapping cylindrical
set view equal xy
set view map
set angle degrees
set dgrid3d 200,200
sp 'log' u 6:3:4 w pm3d
but this ins't what I wanted. In a polar mode I can't use splot and pm3d.
I tried also this code :
set polar
set angles degrees
set grid polar 15. lt -1 dt 0 lw 0.5
unset border
unset xtics
unset ytics
unset raxis
p 'log' u 6:3
but I would like to fill the mesh with a color set by column 3
I've simplified my data for a regular grid :
#x, y, cm[], r, theta, theta*180./M_PI
0.125 0.125 0.1309 0.125 0.1309 7.5
0.125 0.375 0.1309 0.125 0.392699 22.5
0.375 0.125 0.392699 0.375 0.1309 7.5
0.375 0.375 0.392699 0.375 0.392699 22.5
0.125 0.625 0.1309 0.125 0.654498 37.5
0.125 0.875 0.1309 0.125 0.916298 52.5
0.375 0.625 0.392699 0.375 0.654498 37.5
0.375 0.875 0.392699 0.375 0.916298 52.5
0.625 0.125 0.654498 0.625 0.1309 7.5
0.625 0.375 0.654498 0.625 0.392699 22.5
0.875 0.125 0.916298 0.875 0.1309 7.5
0.875 0.375 0.916298 0.875 0.392699 22.5
0.625 0.625 0.654498 0.625 0.654498 37.5
0.625 0.875 0.654498 0.625 0.916298 52.5
0.875 0.625 0.916298 0.875 0.654498 37.5
0.875 0.875 0.916298 0.875 0.916298 52.5
using the "simplified" data with this code :
### workaround for polar heatmap
reset session
set table $Data
plot "log" using 6:4:3 with table
unset table
set size square
set angle degrees
unset border
unset tics
set cbtics
set polar
set border polar
unset raxis
set grid polar 15.
astep = 180./4
rstep = 0.25
# create the segments for each datapoint
set print $PolarHeatmap
do for [i=1:|$Data|] {
a = real(word($Data[i],1))
r = real(word($Data[i],2))
c = real(word($Data[i],3))
do for [j=0:5] {
print sprintf("%g %g %g",a+j*astep/10., r-0.5*rstep, c)
do for [j=5:0:-1] {
print sprintf("%g %g %g",a+j*astep/10., r+0.5*rstep, c)
print ""
print ""
set print
set style fill noborder
plot $PolarHeatmap u 1:2:3 w filledcurves palette notitle
### end of code
I almost what I want but my data are [0:Pi/3] and It's not the case. I don't understand : [j=0:5] and [j=5:0:-1] and why do we need to print again.
Here is a surprisingly compact solution, not straightforward though. This works in your case because you have a strict grid in your data. If you don't have a regular grid you might need to use dgrid3d
with interpolation (what you already tried) or Delaunay-triangulation or a Voronoi-diagram.
With gnuplot you can easily plot segments of a circle. If you do it in the right order you can get your desired output. The basic idea is that you have a minimal regular step in radius and angle (here: dr=0.125
and da=7.5
) which are defining the minimal cell. If your datapoint is on the grid you take 4 minimal cells together to one bigger cell.
Some comments:
first sort your data by decreasing radius via "seriously misusing" smooth zsort
and write it into the datablock $Sorted
check if your datapoints are on the grid ($1/dr==int($1/dr)
or not. Write this into column3 of datablock $Grid
when plotting $Grid
if the datapoint is on the grid take the current radius + dr
and current angle +/-da
to plot a circle segment. If the datapoint is not on the grid instead take +dr/2
and +/-da/2
, respectively.
in order to activate the palette (apparently) you first need to plot (NaN):(NaN):3
with the z-range of the data (I don't know yet why). It doesn't seem to work right away when plotting the circle segments.
You could certainly do the same thing also in polar coordinates.
Data: SO77873892.dat
#x, y, cm[], r, theta, theta*180./M_PI
0.1250 0.1250 0.130900 0.1250 0.130900 7.50
0.1250 0.3750 0.130900 0.1250 0.392699 22.50
0.3750 0.1250 0.392699 0.3750 0.130900 7.50
0.3125 0.3125 0.327249 0.3125 0.327249 18.75
0.3125 0.4375 0.327249 0.3125 0.458149 26.25
0.4375 0.3125 0.458149 0.4375 0.327249 18.75
0.4375 0.4375 0.458149 0.4375 0.458149 26.25
0.1250 0.6250 0.130900 0.1250 0.654498 37.50
0.1250 0.8750 0.130900 0.1250 0.916298 52.50
0.3125 0.5625 0.327249 0.3125 0.589049 33.75
0.3125 0.6875 0.327249 0.3125 0.719948 41.25
0.4375 0.5625 0.458149 0.4375 0.589049 33.75
0.4375 0.6875 0.458149 0.4375 0.719948 41.25
0.3750 0.8750 0.392699 0.3750 0.916298 52.50
0.6250 0.1250 0.654498 0.6250 0.130900 7.50
0.5625 0.3125 0.589049 0.5625 0.327249 18.75
0.5625 0.4375 0.589049 0.5625 0.458149 26.25
0.6875 0.3125 0.719948 0.6875 0.327249 18.75
0.6875 0.4375 0.719948 0.6875 0.458149 26.25
0.8750 0.1250 0.916298 0.8750 0.130900 7.50
0.8750 0.3750 0.916298 0.8750 0.392699 22.50
0.5625 0.5625 0.589049 0.5625 0.589049 33.75
0.5625 0.6875 0.589049 0.5625 0.719948 41.25
0.6875 0.5625 0.719948 0.6875 0.589049 33.75
0.6875 0.6875 0.719948 0.6875 0.719948 41.25
0.6250 0.8750 0.654498 0.6250 0.916298 52.50
0.8750 0.6250 0.916298 0.8750 0.654498 37.50
0.8750 0.8750 0.916298 0.8750 0.916298 52.50
Script: (requires gnuplot>=5.4.0, because of smooth zsort
### plot circle segments to mimic polar heatmap
reset session
FILE = "SO77873892.dat"
da = 7.5 # grid angle step
dr = 0.125 # grid radius step
set table $Sorted
plot FILE u 4:6:(-$4):3 smooth zsort lc var # sort by decreasing radius
set table $Grid
plot $Sorted u 1:2:3:($1/dr==int($1/dr)) w table # check if on the grid
unset table
set size ratio -1
set xrange[0:1]
set yrange[0:1]
set style fill transparent solid 1.0 border lc "black"
set key noautotitle
set palette defined (0 "#00d0ff", 1 "#40fffc", 2 "#b7ffc4", 3 "#f3ff65", 4 "#ffff00")
plot FILE u (NaN):(NaN):3 w p palette z, \
$Grid u (0):(0):(g=($4==1?1:0.5), $1+dr*g):($2-da*g):($2+da*g):3 w circles lc palette z
### end of script