This the component I am trying to unit test with React testing library
export const TextInput = ({ label, inputValue, setInputValue }) => {
return (
onChange={(event) => {
useState is used in the parent component and passed in to as props.
How do i render this when it depends on the useState hook
The answer is probably this.
import { render, fireEvent } from "@testing-library/react";
import { describe, expect, it } from "vitest";
import TextInput from "../../src/case/TextInput";
describe("TextInput", () => {
it("work", () => {
let inputValueOnFirstRender = undefined;
let isCallbackCalled = false;
const inputValue = 0;
const setInputValue = () => {
isCallbackCalled = true;
const { getByRole } = render(
<TextInput inputValue={inputValue} setInputValue={setInputValue} />
inputValueOnFirstRender = getByRole("textbox").value;
fireEvent.change(getByRole("textbox"), { target: { value: "1" } });
But at least what assertion do you want?
Exactly what functionality do you want to test?