I have a Tauri app, with sveltekit as frontend.
In the backend, I have a Websocket that collects some data in a variable.
Now, I need to display this data in the frontend. I tried the emit_all
event, and even something like this:
Some(json!({ "request": request })),
.expect("Failed to send request to frontend");
And the code doesn't even compile. Is the approach wrong? I tried even other solutions (and I always have the listener in the frontend)
This is the shortest code I used that does what you want:
fn function<R: tauri::Runtime>(manager: &impl Manager<R>) {
manager.emit_all("event", ()).unwrap();
This is how you use it on the javascript side:
import { listen } from "@tauri-apps/api/event";
await listen("event", (event) => {})
In the payload I would recommend you use serde_json
directly, as that's what Tauri uses. But unless you post the actual compilation problem, we cannot know exactly what's wrong.