Is there a simple example of a program in Visual C++ that graphs x-y data?
This is to operate a small spectrometer. I would like a starting point that shows a graph and does little else, to which I will add controls, a thread that reads the data sent asynchronously from the instrument over a COM port and some plumbing to update the graph.
Thank you
A 'simple' plotting application is actually not all that simple. Also, if you make it as simple as possible, then adding bells and whistles is impossible without a re-write, so it becomes a dead end.
Anyway, this is what I use for developing windows applications that need to display a plot :
Sample plot application:
#include "wex.h" //
#include "plot2d.h"
int main()
wex::gui& fm = wex::maker::make();
fm.move( {50,50,1200,600} );
// construct plot to be drawn on form
wex::plot::plot& thePlot = wex::maker::make<wex::plot::plot>(fm);
thePlot.move( {30,30,1200,600});
//thePlot.Grid( true );
// resize plot when form resizes[&](int w, int h )
thePlot.move( {30,30,w,h} );
// construct plot traces
wex::plot::trace& t1 = thePlot.AddStaticTrace();
wex::plot::trace& t2 = thePlot.AddStaticTrace();
// provide some data for first trace
std::vector< double > d1 { 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10 };
t1.set( d1 );
// plot in blue
t1.color( 0x0000FF );
// provide data for second trace
std::vector< double > d2 { 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20 };
t2.set( d2 );
// plot in red
t2.color( 0xFF0000 );
// show and run;;
By the way, there is no need to gather the data using a separate thread ( always a fruitful source of bugs ). Instead, use the windows API message pump, like this:
wex::button &btnTime = wex::maker::make<wex::button>(fm);
btnTime.move(300, 10, 100, 20);
btnTime.text("Real Time");
btnTime.tooltip("Display moving line plot that updates in real time");[&]
// construct plot trace
// displaying 100 points before they scroll off the plot
plot::trace& t1 = thePlot.AddRealTimeTrace( 100 );
// plot in blue
t1.color( 0xFF0000 );
// create timer handler to provide new data regularly[&](int id)
static int p = 0;
t1.add( 10 * sin( p++ / 10.0 ) );