In an attempt to create a connection to a database for blazer
over the ahoy_matey
gem, from within a rails application, the configuration requires to connect to postgres as such, first attempted directly rather than through an ENV variable
# url: <%= ENV["BLAZER_DATABASE_URL"] %>
url: "postgres://[email protected]:5432/databasename_production"
where the syntax should be
ENV["BLAZER_DATABASE_URL"] = "postgres://user:password@hostname:5432/databasename_production"
the user deploy_root
exists for postgres with SUPERUSER privileges, however, the database.yml
was erroneously populated :
<<: *default
database: databasename_production
username: deploy_root
where the console confirms that
=> nil
the application runs as expected, connecting to the database. The replication of those connections for blazer is however failing as such:
"postgres://[email protected]:5432/databasename_production"
ActiveRecord cannot connect
`ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished (could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host "111.222.333.44" and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?`
Blazer requires the setting of data_sources/main (pity it does not have a mechanism to rely on the rails app connection...) This raises the question of how to connect, given there is uncertainty with the password (that is used for another application on this server).
• how to recover the encrypted password for the postgres USER?
• if it is nil
how to establish the connection?
@dbugger has the proper perspective. Additionally, the gem does document a useful strategy for creating a read-only user for blazer's accessing the Ahoy data
at which point, however the connection on a self-enclosed rails app connects to the local ip
"postgres://blazer:[email protected]:5432/databasename_production"