I have following code in Repository:
public final class TimeTableRepository: TimeTableRepositoryProtocol {
private let timeTableRemoteDataSource: TimeTableRemoteDataSource
init(timeTableRemoteDataSource: TimeTableRemoteDataSource) {
self.timeTableRemoteDataSource = timeTableRemoteDataSource
func getTimeTable() -> AnyPublisher<[TimeTableEntity]?, Error> {
timeTableRemoteDataSource.getTimeTable().flatMap { return $0.toDomain() }
I am getting following error when I try to map the TimeTableModel to TimeTableEntity:
- 'flatMap(maxPublishers:_:)' produces 'Publishers.FlatMap<[TimeTableEntity]?, AnyPublisher<TimetableModel, any Error>>', not the expected contextual result type 'AnyPublisher<[TimeTableEntity]?, any Error>' (Combine.Publisher)
toDomain function:
extension TimetableModel {
func toDomain() -> [TimeTableEntity]? {
timetable.departures.map{ TimeTableEntity(lineDirection: $0.lineDirection ?? "", ThroughStations: $0.throughTheStations ?? "", timestamp: $0.datetime.timestamp, timezone: $0.datetime.tz) }
It's actually map
here and after map
, the publisher becomes Publisher.Map<AnyPublisher<[TimeTableEntity]?, Error>>. You have to erase
before returning. It should be:
func getTimeTable() -> AnyPublisher<[TimeTableEntity]?, Error> {
.map { $0.toDomain() }
BTW: I think you should also change the optional array to array, to avoid unexpected cases. Just an empty or non-empty array, instead of both empty or non-empty and non-optional and optional.