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Create new columns with flag for each row of an initial reference column above a specific value

I would like to evaluate each row in a column of values and create new columns that each have a single 1 flagging any rows in the initial column above a specific value and 0's for all remaining rows.

For example, starting with this column:

enter image description here

I would like to create new columns that flag each row above 0.5 as follows: FD   EV1 EV2 EV3
0.1 0   0   0
0.4 0   0   0
0.6 1   0   0
0.2 0   0   0
0.9 0   1   0
1.2 0   0   1
0.3 0   0   0

Is there a simple approach to make a script in unix to accomplish this? Thanks very much for any input!


  • This two pass awk script should do the job:

    $ awk '
    NR==FNR {                                             # 1st pass 
        n+=($1+0>0.5)                                     # count the # of values>0.5
    n {                                                   # 2nd pass
        for(i=(n+1);i>1;i--)                              # create cols
            $i=(FNR==1?"EV"(i-1):($1>0.5&&i==(s+2)&&++s)) # fill cols with 0s/1s
    }1' file file                                         # output


    FD EV1 EV2 EV3
    0.1 0 0 0
    0.4 0 0 0
    0.6 1 0 0
    0.2 0 0 0
    0.9 0 1 0
    1.2 0 0 1
    0.3 0 0 0