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Change values of other columns in same row upon change of value on one column

I'm writing a desktop application in VB.Net using an ObjectListView . I have a requirement to recalculate the values of other columns in the same row if any column value in the row changes.

Below is an example on how the ObjectListView displays rows currently:

Unit Name Length Height Qty Rate Amount
MM 10 15 150 10.00 1500
CMS 15 5 75 8.00 600
IN 12 5 60 24.00 1440
MTR 11 6 66 18.00 1188

The Qty column is calculated as Length * Height. When the user enters 10 in the Length column and 15 in the Height column, the Qty column will show the value as 150 (10*15).

Similarly, Amount is calculated as Rate * Qty. When the user enters 10.00 Rate, the Amount column will show the value as 1500 (150*10.00).

My difficulty is I'm unable to find a suitable ObjectListView event to use for calculating cell values when a row changes.

I've done multiple attempts on various events, but the latest one is below. I tried getting an entire row object for the cell where the user is entering value, but failed. I then tried casting e.RowObject to my class ClientTask, hoping the e.RowObject would return the entire row, but the cast threw an exception. I also tried working on e.Column.AspectName but I'm not sure how to commit the new values back to the model.

How can I do this? I appreciate any help you can give.

Private Sub dlvEstimateTemplate_CellEditFinishing(sender As Object, e As CellEditEventArgs) Handles dlvEstimateTemplate.CellEditFinishing
        Dim lngth As Single = 0     'Length
        Dim ht As Single = 0        'Height
        Dim qty As Single = 0       'Quantity (Length * Height = Qty)
        Dim rt As Single = 0
        Dim amt As Single = 0
        Dim myObj As Entities.ClientTask
        Dim myTsk As Entities.ClientTask

        'tmpVal = DirectCast(sender, BrightIdeasSoftware.DataListView).HotRowIndex
        'DirectCast(sender, BrightIdeasSoftware.DataListView).GetItemAt(e.x

        'myObj = e.RowObject
        If e.Column.AspectName = "Length" Then
            myTsk = New Entities.ClientTask
            myTsk.Qty = e.NewValue * myTsk.Height
            myTsk.Amt = myTsk.Qty * myTsk.Rate
            'lngth = e.NewValue
        ElseIf e.Column.AspectName = "Height" Then
            myTsk = New Entities.ClientTask
            myTsk.Qty = e.NewValue * myTsk.Length
            myTsk.Amt = myTsk.Qty * myTsk.Rate
        End If
        DirectCast(sender, BrightIdeasSoftware.DataListView).BuildList()
        'myObj = TryCast(e.RowObject, Entities.ClientTask)
    End Sub


  • I finally managed to find a solution, though I feel it can be optimized further as it's using multiuple for-loops which I feel is not an ideal solution. If anyone can assist refining further, especially without for-loops, it would really help:

    Private Sub dlvEstimateTemplate_CellEditFinishing(sender As Object, e As CellEditEventArgs) Handles dlvEstimateTemplate.CellEditFinishing
        UpdateRowCalc03(sender, e)
    End Sub
    Private Sub UpdateRowCalc03(ByVal mySender As Object, ByVal myE As CellEditEventArgs)
        Dim rowId As Integer
        Dim lngth As Single = 0     'Length
        Dim ht As Single = 0        'Height
        Dim qty As Single = 0       'Quantity (Length * Height = Qty)
        Dim rt As Single = 0        'Rate
        Dim amt As Single = 0       'Amount (Qty * Rate)
        rowId = myE.ListViewItem.SubItems(0).Text
        For Each itm As ListViewItem In dlvEstimateTemplate.Items
            If Convert.ToInt32(itm.SubItems(0).Text) = rowId Then
                If myE.Column.AspectName = olvColLength.AspectName Then             'Length
                    lngth = myE.NewValue
                    ht = Convert.ToSingle(myE.ListViewItem.SubItems(5).Text)        'Height
                    qty = lngth * ht                                                'Qty
                    rt = Convert.ToSingle(myE.ListViewItem.SubItems(7).Text)        'Rate
                    CommitToDataTable(rowId, rt, qty)
                ElseIf myE.Column.AspectName = olvColHeight.AspectName Then         'Height
                    ht = myE.NewValue                                               'Height
                    lngth = Convert.ToSingle(myE.ListViewItem.SubItems(4).Text)     'Length
                    qty = lngth * ht                                                'Qty
                    rt = Convert.ToSingle(myE.ListViewItem.SubItems(7).Text)        'Rate
                    CommitToDataTable(rowId, rt, qty)
                ElseIf myE.Column.AspectName = olvColRate.AspectName Then           'Rate
                    lngth = Convert.ToSingle(myE.ListViewItem.SubItems(4).Text)
                    ht = Convert.ToSingle(myE.ListViewItem.SubItems(5).Text)        'Height
                    qty = lngth * ht                                                'Qty
                    rt = myE.NewValue                                               'Rate
                    CommitToDataTable(rowId, rt, qty)
                End If
            End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub CommitToDataTable(ByVal rowId As Integer, ByVal myRt As Single, ByVal myQty As Single)
        For Each row As DataRow In dtTable.Rows         'dtTable is a form scoped data table object
            For Each myRow As DataRow In dtTable.Rows
                If myRow("UniqueId") = rowId Then
                    myRow("Qty") = myQty
                    myRow("Amt") = myRt * myQty
                End If
            Next myRow
        Next row
    End Sub