I'm trying to load my custom module base on the condition.
define([], function(){
export {
run: function(){ log.debug('run in CustomModule' }
And here is my user event script
define(['N/record'], function(record){
var moduleName = record.getValue('custom_module_name'); // will return CustomModule.js
require([moduleName], function(customModule){
But I got following error
type: "error.SuiteScriptModuleLoaderError",
message: "Incorrect SuiteScript configuration for module: CustomModule.js",
When I using preload like define(['CustomModule.js'), function(customModule){...})
is working, but this might not suitable for our scenario.
Any suggestion?
You can only include modules supported by both client and server in the define function.
To include functionality which utilizes server-side modules, write the server side function to include a parameter for the required module, and pass the module when calling the function.
For example, if you are calling a common function from a Suitelet, and your common function uses serverWidget, design the function to take serverWidget as a parameter or as a property of the object you're passing in.
// sample server-side function definition included in your custom module
const buildSublist = (scriptContext, serverWidget, sublistData)=>{
// Make use of NetSuite server-side modules.
// Only call this function from server-side contexts.