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Calling certain functions when initializing a new mongoengine document

I'm trying to define a Document class that has some fields that have their values automatically calculated when a new document is created. So far I have succeeded in doing that by extending the __init__ function like this:

class URLDoc(Document):
    url = fields.URLField(requierd=True)
    domain = fields.StringField(required=True)
    screenshot = fields.ImageField(required=True, size=(600, 600, True), thumbnail=(100, 100, True))

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(URLDoc, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.domain = urlparse(self.url).netloc

    def get_and_save_screenshot(self):
        '''Some code to get a screenshot of the website on self.url'''


This way I was able to create new documents in mongo by just calling new_urldoc = URLDoc(url="some url") and then just

When I started loading existing documents from mongo by URLDoc.objects.get(id="some id") I realized that the __init__ function will be triggered again set new data (take a new screenshot for example) in the document.

I want to implement this but only when the document is new, I looked up everywhere and couldn't find an answer..

Is there a way to call certain functions when initializing a new document as opposed to initializing an existing document?


  • Based on mongoengine's documentations, You can make sure a document is being loaded from the database if the _created kwarg is passed as True like this:

        def __init__(self, your_var, *args, **kwargs):
            super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
            if not kwargs.get('_created', True):
                return  # Loaded from DB, No modification needed
            self.some_var = your_var
            # Initiate the brand new instance

    note: this method that's been mentioned before does work, but only for Documents. EmbeddedDocuments do not have the id attribute!

        print("loaded from DB")
        print("Brand new instance!")