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How to locate objects in SSMS

I am trying to find certain, tables, procedures etc.. using the Find and Replace option in SSMS. However, it doesn't appear to locate tables or anything. For example, if I wanted to see if a table called 'formulaone' exist within a certain database using the feature, it wouldnt find it, although I know the table exist. I appreciate the Find and Replace selects 'Find in Files', but there is no other option. enter image description here

It has been suggested that I can filter through object explorer. However, I don't have that option, see image. Do I need to be running a newer version of SSMS. I'm currently running version 18.1

enter image description here


  • Find and Replace in SSMS searches text in your open tab(s) or within files, it does not search objects in your databases.

    Use the Find and Replace dialog box to locate text within a file and optionally replace it.

    In SSMS you can filter the list in Object Explorer by right-clicking on the Tables, Views, Procedures etc section and choosing Filter

    enter image description here

    Or just search for your object within the database:

    select *
    from sys.objects
    where [name] like '%some text to match%';