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Map value from a Future to Object and not Future[Object]

I have a function that return a Future[State] and another function that I need return a StateSimplified object

//class State
case class State(id: String, label: String, postalCode: String, extension: Long...)

//class StateSimplified
case class StateSimplified(id: String, label: String)

Now I have this function

def getSimple(relationId: Int): Future[StateSimplified] = {
  repository.findStateByRelationId(relationId).map(state => 
    StateSimplified(id =, label = state.label))

The repository.findStateByRelationId(relationId: Int) is a function that find a state from a related table, that function returns a Future[State] The problem is that the I need a StateSimplified not a Future[StateSimplified] because the StateSimplified I need to put it in an other class

case class City(id: Int, name: String, population: Long,..., state: StateSimplified)

How can I map the result from repository.findStateByRelationId(relationId: Int) to a StateSimplified and not a Future[StateSimplified]

Edit: In this suggested question the title is How to wait for a Future but the answer mark as solution suggest that the function return a Future, and don't want to return Future in my function because later that object is going into another different one City have an attribute called state that is of type StateSimplified


  • As said in the comments, when you get a Future, you have 2 options:

    1. continue to work with it, using map, flatMap or other operations. All of this is non-blocking.
    2. wait for it to return a value. This is blocking.

    Most of the time you want to do (1) up until the main class of your application . In any decent web framework, you don't even need (2), the framework will handle that for you.

    Back to your case, this means that you should do something like this:

    val futureCity: Future[City] = getSimple(...).map { stateSimplified =>
      // Build or set in a City
    // Then work with the Future[City] rather than the City directly using map or flatMap...