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How to change the color of each marker APEXCHARTS chart in next js

Do you know if there is a way to define the color of each point? Ex: { x: 'Yellow', y: [2100, 3000], colors: '#808080',} because it is set by default for all markers: plotOptions > dumbbellColors, I would like a color for each marker. documentation is confusing

Example: [enter image description here] ( ...................................................................................................................................................................................................

'use client';
import Image from 'next/image';
import ReactApexChart from 'react-apexcharts';
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Show } from '@chakra-ui/react';
import { Colors } from 'chart.js';

interface GraficoDumbbleState {
  series: {
    data: { x: string; y: [number, number] }[];
    dataLabels?: {
      enabled: boolean;
  options: {
    chart: {
      height: number;
      type: string;
      zoom: {
        enabled: boolean;
    colors: string[];
    plotOptions: {
      bar: {
        horizontal: boolean;
        isDumbbell: boolean;
        dumbbellColors: string[][];
    legend: {
      show: boolean;
      showForSingleSeries: boolean;
      position: string;
      horizontalAlign: string;
      customLegendItems: string[];
    fill: {
      type: string;
      gradient: {
        gradientToColors: string[];
        inverseColors: boolean;
        stops: number[];
    grid: {
      xaxis: {
        lines: {
          show: boolean;
      yaxis: {
        lines: {
          show: boolean;
        yaxis: {
          lines: {
            show: boolean;

export default class GraficoDumbble extends Component<{}, GraficoDumbbleState> {
  constructor(props: any) {

    this.state = {
      series: [
          data: [
            { x: 'Amarela', y: [2100, 3000], colors: "#808089"},
            { x: 'Amarela', y: [3000, 5000]},
            { x: 'Amarela', y: [5000, 6500]},
            { x: 'Amarela', y: [6500, 8000]},

            {x: 'Branca', y: [2100, 5000],},
            {x: 'Branca', y: [5000, 8000],},
              x: 'Indígina',
              y: [2100, 8000],
              x: 'Parda',
              y: [2100, 8000],
              x: 'Preta',
              y: [2100, 8000],
          dataLabels: {
            enabled: false,
      options: {
        chart: {
          height: 390,
          type: 'rangeBar',
          zoom: {
            enabled: false,
        colors: ['#808080', '#808080'],
        plotOptions: {
          bar: {
            horizontal: true,
            isDumbbell: true,
        legend: {
          show: false,
          showForSingleSeries: false,
          position: 'top',
          horizontalAlign: 'left',
          customLegendItems: ['Female', 'Male'],
        fill: {
          type: 'gradient',
          gradient: {
            gradientToColors: ['#808080'],
            inverseColors: false,
            stops: [0, 100],
        grid: {
          xaxis: {
            lines: {
              show: false,
            labels: {
              show: false,
          yaxis: {
            lines: {
              show: false,
            yaxis: { lines: { show: false } },
        xaxis: {
          labels: {
            show: false,

  render() {
    return (
        <div id="chart">
            options={this.state.options as any}
        <div id="html-dist"></div>


  • The option is an array that allows you to set different colors, but each item in that array sets the start and end markers colors for a series. So, if there are no reasons that prevent you to set each segment as a separate series, adding the option = true to prevent segments of the same x but different series to be offset waterfall-style, you can have markers colored differently.

    Here's an example (I set the colors of the markers that are covered to transparent rgba(0,0,0,0)):

    const options = {
        series: [{
            data: [{x: 'Amarela', y: [2100, 3000]}]
        }, {
            data: [{x: 'Amarela', y: [3000, 5000]}]
        }, {
            data: [{x: 'Amarela', y: [5000, 6500]}]
        }, {
            data: [{x: 'Amarela', y: [6500, 8000]}]
        }, {
            data: [{x: 'Branca', y: [2100, 5000]}]
        }, {
            data: [{x: 'Branca', y: [5000, 8000]}]
        }, {
            data: [{x: 'Indígina', y: [2100, 8000]}]
        }, {
            data: [{x: 'Parda', y: [2100, 8000]}]
        }, {
            data: [{x: 'Preta', y: [2100, 8000]}]
        chart: {
            type: 'rangeBar',
            height: 380,
            zoom: {
                enabled: false
        colors: ['#808080', '#808080'],
        plotOptions: {
            bar: {
                horizontal: true,
                isDumbbell: true,
                rangeBarGroupRows: true,
                dumbbellColors: [
                    ['#EC7D31', 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'], // start and end color for markers of series 0
                    ['#7D31EC', 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'], // start and end color for markers of series 1
                    ['#FDCB36', 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'], // .....
                    ['#FD31EC', '#36BDCB'],
                    ['#2DF13C', 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'],
                    ['#FF313C', '#2D3BFF'],
                    ['#2DD1AC', '#BDCB36'],
                    ['#7D31EC', '#433366'],
                    ['#8F8F8F', '#ADCBF6']
        legend: {
            show: false,
            showForSingleSeries: false,
            position: 'top',
            horizontalAlign: 'left',
            customLegendItems: ['Female', 'Male'],
        grid: {
            xaxis: {
                lines: {
                    show: false,
                labels: {
                    show: false,
            yaxis: {
                lines: {
                    show: false,
                yaxis: {lines: {show: false}},
        xaxis: {
            labels: {
                show: false,
    const chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#chart"), options);
    <div id="chart"></div>
    <script src=""
            crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>