I am trying to use the QUERY
function paired with OR
logic and the =today()
formula to create a new table from my data set.
The data is on the "DATA" tab and 'QUERY' is on the "QUERY" tab. Sheet
Here is a horrible recreation of my data table input (I can't figure out how to make an inline table with more than two columns...):
Column A (ID) | Column B (Date) |
1 | 12/11/2020 |
2 | 1/17/2024 |
3 | 11/30/2022 |
4 | 11/20/2023 |
Column C (Score1) | Column D (Score2) |
52 | 60 |
44 | 40 |
50 | 50 |
53 | 60 |
Column E (Score3) |
60 |
50 |
30 |
50 |
For my QUERY output table, I am only getting ID rows 2 and 3, but I was expecting to get ID row 1 as well.
Here is a screenshot of my data table input:
Here is a screenshot of my QUERY table output:
Here are my Criteria: Score1 >45, OR Score2 >50, OR Score3 > 50, OR Date 18+ Months ago (As of writing this, anything before July 26, 2022 would meet the criteria, but I would like this to be a dynamic date and update on its own to include 18 months from today's date).
I am looking to make a table containing every row that meets at least one of these 4 criteria with no duplicate rows.
Here is my QUERY formula:
=QUERY(DATA!A1:E10, "select A, C, D, E, B where(C < 45 OR D < 50 OR E < 50 OR B > '=today()-548')",1)
The part of the 'QUERY' that isn't working is the OR B > '=today()-548'
portion. I am trying to include rows that have a date greater than 18 months ago (548 days) from today's date. I thought this would be the best way since the data in the columns I am looking to include are not mutually exclusive. The first three criteria are showing up in my list 'C < 45 OR D < 50 OR E < 50'
but the rows that only meet OR B > '=today()-548'
is not showing up.
Any help would be greatly appreciated and I would be happy to clarify further.
You may try:
=QUERY(DATA!A1:E10, "select A, C, D, E, B where (C<45 OR D<50 OR E<50 OR B<date'"&text(today()-548,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"')")