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How to use OBO-flow with Flow app and Azure Function

I have a Power Automate flow in which I call{tenantId}/oauth2/token with the following body:


The access token I receive from the call is being sent to an Azure Function app that needs to connect to Dynamics CRM. The Azure function tries to make a call to the Microsoft Identity Platform again with the same ClientId and ClientSecret and using the received bearer token as a new Userassertion(req.GetBearerToken())

The full relevant code in the Azure Function is as follows:

AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext($"{tenantId}");
ClientCredential credential = new ClientCredential("{clientId}", "{clientSecret}");
AuthenticationResult res = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync("", credential, new UserAssertion(req.GetBearerToken()));
string bearerTokenforCRM = res.AccessToken;

A silent sign-in request was sent but no user is signed in

I think I can't use the bearer token acquired from the /token call in the Flow app to acquire a new token on behalf of the user that started the flow app.

In the App Registration in Azure, I added the Azure function in the menu "Expose an Api" and added "Dyanmics CRM" in the menu API Permissions with permission name "user impersonation"


  • I believe you are a bit overcomplicating things - you can use the connection strings with ClientId/ClientSecret in order to connect to Dataverse using the following nuget package - You can use the following article in order to build your connection string - Basically it should look like the following:


    In order to impersonate and perform actions on behalf of another user you can set the CallerId property of the service instance -