In my Plotly subplots, the top graph has a range of [0,10], while the bottom has a range of [0,14]. Other questions regarding this on SO (Plotly: How to change the range of the y-axis of a subplot?) have suggested using the following:
fig.update_layout(yaxis = dict(range=[0, 14]))
fig.update_layout(yaxis2 = dict(range=[0, 14]))
This has not fixed the issue. It does not cause any errors, but neither does it fix my problem. I need them to have the same range in order to properly show the scale of the differences between the two.
I have tried manually adjusting the ticks but I have been unable to find a value that allows be to define the number of ticks or to manually add ticks to the y-axis.
Any help is appreciated, thank you.
If you want all your y-axes to have the same range, try this:
fig = make_subplots(rows=2, cols=1, shared_yaxes='all')