Trying to sbt sonatypeRelease
a library gives this error:
2024-01-26 18:42:35.491+0300 info [SonatypeClient] Failed: pom-staging, failureMessage:Invalid POM: /io/github/omitted/omitted_sjs1_3/0.3.6/omitted_sjs1_3-0.3.6.pom: Project URL missing, SCM URL missing, Developer information missing - (SonatypeClient.scala:389)
What would be the needed setting's keys to put into my build.sbt
to fix this problem?
You need to add the following settings in your SBT definition (build.sbt
// Project URL
ThisBuild / homepage := Some(url(""))
// SCM
ThisBuild / scmInfo := Some(
// Developers
ThisBuild / developers := List(Developer(...))
// License (example)
ThisBuild / licenses := List("MIT" -> url(""))