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Converting filter equation to frequency response

Note: Part of the problem is solved but I've kept the original post for clarity.

filter equation

I was told this "should be easy" for a filter designer. I am not so sure though, but I'll ask anyway :)

What I need to construct from these equations is a function that takes a frequency range and produces the integrated response of the filter across that range:

float filter_response(float f_low, float f_high) {
  return {magic};

The frequency response of the filter is known:

enter image description here

And the expected output from desired function is known from a table for verification:

š¯‘“c š¯‘“low š¯‘“high output
4 3.5 4.5 0.375
5 4.4 5.6 0.545
6.3 5.6 7.0 0.727
8 7.1 8.9 0.873
10 8.8 11.2 0.951
12.5 11.1 13.9 0.958
16 14.2 17.8 0.896
20 17.7 22.3 0.782
25 22.1 27.9 0.647
31.5 27.9 35.1 0.519
40 35.4 44.6 0.411
50 44.2 55.8 0.324
63 55.8 70.2 0.256
80 70.8 89.2 0.202
100 88.5 111.5 0.16
125 110.6 139.4 0.127
160 141.6 178.4 0.101
200 177.0 223.0 0.0799
250 221.2 278.8 0.0634
315 278.8 351.2 0.0503
400 354.0 446.0 0.0398
500 442.5 557.5 0.0315
630 557.5 702.5 0.0245
800 708.0 892.0 0.0186
1000 885.0 1115.0 0.0135
1250 1106.2 1393.8 0.00894
1600 1416.0 1784.0 0.00538
2000 1770.0 2230.0 0.00295

Where š¯‘“c is the center frequency, š¯‘“low-š¯‘“high the frequency range, and output the expected output. Only š¯‘“c was originally transcribed from the table: š¯‘“low-š¯‘“high were calculated by me and represent the frequency range of one third octave for the given "mid"-frequency. I provided these for clarity as they directly relate to the desired function.

This is the data that I have and while I am sure this can be done I also understand that this might be beyond what could be expected to get help with online (unless it really is as easy as it was presented to me).

Regardless, any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated.

Thank you <3

Since I am neither a filter designer or very well versed in math, I've mainly looked at extracting data from the graph or by interpolating the given values in the table. While this works for now it does not give me the accuracy or trustworthiness I am looking for. I read code in pretty much any language and I understand FIR and IIR filters fairly well.

I've tried designing a filter with Python, SciPy, Numpy based on the given filter constants to see if I could replicate the given response curve, but I've been unsuccessful.

I've also tried AI resources to help me cut through these formulas to give me something that describes the filter in terms that fit my limited knowledge in the field, but they appear wholly unable to deal with this problem.

In the end, I expect to be able to solve this in several different ways. While a function numerically calculating this would be fantastic I could, in theory, also analyze an FFT/FIR filter to produce a new table with the range and precision needed.


import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# constants
pi, f_1, f_2, Q_1, f_3, f_4, Q_2, K = math.pi, 6.31, 1258.9, 0.71, 15.915, 15.915, 0.64, 1    

# band-limiting transfer function
def band_limit(s):
    return ((s**2)*4*(pi**2)*(f_2**2))/(((s**2)+2*pi*f_1*s/Q_1+4*(pi**2)*(f_1**2))*((s**2)+2*pi*f_2*s/Q_1+4*(pi**2)*(f_2**2)))

# frequency-weighting transfer function
def frequency_weight(s):
    return ((s+2*pi*f_3)*2*pi*K*(f_4**2))/(((s**2)+2*pi*f_4*s/Q_2+4*(pi**2)*(f_4**2))*f_3)

px, py, py1, py2 = [], [], [], []

for x in np.arange(1,1000,0.1):
    w = x*2*pi # angular frequency

plt.plot(px, py1, label = "band-limit filter")
plt.plot(px, py2, label = "frequency-weighting filter")
plt.plot(px, py, label = "total")
plt.ylim(0.01, 1);
plt.xlim(1, 1000);

This python program produces the following plot:

enter image description here

I've overlaid the original plot for comparison.

The plots do not match, but they appear not entirely dissimilar which tells me I am on the right path. Is it possible to use a real-only valued function to calculate the amplitude response at each frequency or is the error I am getting due to not performing the calculations with complex numbers?


Apparently the calculation must be done with complex math as the following python code and diagram shows (a near perfect match):

import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cmath

# constants
pi, f_1, f_2, Q_1, f_3, f_4, Q_2, K = math.pi, 6.31, 1258.9, 0.71, 15.915, 15.915, 0.64, 1    

# band-limiting transfer function
def band_limit(s):
    z = ((s**2)*4*(pi**2)*(f_2**2))/(((s**2)+2*pi*f_1*s/Q_1+4*(pi**2)*(f_1**2))*((s**2)+2*pi*f_2*s/Q_1+4*(pi**2)*(f_2**2)))
    return math.sqrt(z.real**2+z.imag**2)

# frequency-weighting transfer function
def frequency_weight(s):
    z = ((s+2*pi*f_3)*2*pi*K*(f_4**2))/(((s**2)+2*pi*f_4*s/Q_2+4*(pi**2)*(f_4**2))*f_3)
    return math.sqrt(z.real**2+z.imag**2)

px, py, py1, py2 = [], [], [], []

for x in np.arange(1,1259.9,0.1):
    w = x*2*pi # angular frequency

plt.plot(px, py1, label = "band-limit filter")
plt.plot(px, py2, label = "frequency-weighting filter")
plt.plot(px, py, label = "total")
plt.ylim(0.01, 1);
plt.xlim(1, 1259.9);

matching plot

The only question left is how do I integrate this across a range to produce the function originally asked for, such that it could produce the verification table?


  • Seems fine, though I don't know what your tolerances are:

    from io import StringIO
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import scipy.integrate
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    def Hb(
        s: float | np.ndarray,
        f1: float = 6.310,
        f2: float = 1258.9,
        Q1: float = 0.71,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        from numpy import pi
        w1 = 2*pi*f1
        w2 = 2*pi*f2
        return (s * w2)**2 / (
            s**2 + w1*s/Q1 + w1**2
        ) / (
            s**2 + w2*s/Q1 + w2**2
    def Hw(
        s: float | np.ndarray,
        f3: float = 15.915,
        f4: float = 15.915,
        Q2: float = 0.64,
        K: int = 1,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        from numpy import pi
        w3 = 2*pi*f3
        w4 = 2*pi*f4
        return (s + w3) * (
            K * w4**2
        ) / (
            s**2 + w4*s/Q2 + w4**2
        ) / w3
    def H(f: float | np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        s = 2j * np.pi * f
        return Hb(s) * Hw(s)
    def load_reference() -> pd.DataFrame:
        content = '''
    fc  flow    fhigh   output
    4   3.5     4.5     0.375
    5   4.4     5.6     0.545
    6.3     5.6     7.0     0.727
    8   7.1     8.9     0.873
    10  8.8     11.2    0.951
    12.5    11.1    13.9    0.958
    16  14.2    17.8    0.896
    20  17.7    22.3    0.782
    25  22.1    27.9    0.647
    31.5    27.9    35.1    0.519
    40  35.4    44.6    0.411
    50  44.2    55.8    0.324
    63  55.8    70.2    0.256
    80  70.8    89.2    0.202
    100     88.5    111.5   0.16
    125     110.6   139.4   0.127
    160     141.6   178.4   0.101
    200     177.0   223.0   0.0799
    250     221.2   278.8   0.0634
    315     278.8   351.2   0.0503
    400     354.0   446.0   0.0398
    500     442.5   557.5   0.0315
    630     557.5   702.5   0.0245
    800     708.0   892.0   0.0186
    1000    885.0   1115.0  0.0135
    1250    1106.2  1393.8  0.00894
    1600    1416.0  1784.0  0.00538
    2000    1770.0  2230.0  0.00295
        with StringIO(content) as f:
            return pd.read_csv(f, delim_whitespace=True)
    def get_actual(ref: pd.DataFrame) -> np.ndarray:
        return np.abs(H(ref['fc']))
    def get_interval_mean(ref: pd.DataFrame) -> np.ndarray:
        # This is needed because scipy can't vectorise bounds
        integ = np.array([
                func=H, a=row['flow'], b=row['fhigh'], complex_func=True,
            for idx, row in ref.iterrows()
        means = integ/(ref['fhigh'] - ref['flow'])
        return means.abs()
    def verify_band_limiting(ref: pd.DataFrame) -> None:
        assert np.allclose(
            rtol=0.05, atol=0,
    def plot(ref: pd.DataFrame) -> plt.Figure:
        fig, (ax_transfer, ax_err) = plt.subplots(ncols=2)
        f_actual = np.exp(np.linspace(np.log(1), np.log(2000), 250))
        ax_transfer.loglog(f_actual, np.abs(H(f_actual)), label='actual', color='orange')
            ref['fc'], ref['output'],
            label='reference', color='black', s=1, zorder=10,
        ax_transfer.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
        legend_kwargs = {'label': 'interval mean'}
        for idx, row in ref.iterrows():
                [row['flow'], row['fc'], row['fhigh']],
                [row['interval_mean'], row['actual'], row['interval_mean']],
                color='lightgreen', **legend_kwargs,
            legend_kwargs = {}
            ref['fc'], np.zeros_like(ref['actual']),
            label='actual', color='orange')
            ref['fc'], ref['output']/ref['actual'] - 1,
            label='reference', color='black', marker='+')
            ref['fc'], ref['interval_mean']/ref['actual'] - 1,
            label='interval_mean', color='green', marker='+')
        ax_err.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
        ax_err.set_ylabel('Relative magnitude error')
        return fig
    def main() -> None:
        ref = load_reference()
        ref['actual'] = get_actual(ref)
        ref['interval_mean'] = get_interval_mean(ref)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
            fc    flow   fhigh   output    actual  interval_mean
    0      4.0     3.5     4.5  0.37500  0.379550       0.378397
    1      5.0     4.4     5.6  0.54500  0.545093       0.540838
    2      6.3     5.6     7.0  0.72700  0.728996       0.721519
    3      8.0     7.1     8.9  0.87300  0.879784       0.870259
    4     10.0     8.8    11.2  0.95100  0.954051       0.943934
    5     12.5    11.1    13.9  0.95800  0.960305       0.952859
    6     16.0    14.2    17.8  0.89600  0.893056       0.887968
    7     20.0    17.7    22.3  0.78200  0.781253       0.779000
    8     25.0    22.1    27.9  0.64700  0.650180       0.650352
    9     31.5    27.9    35.1  0.51900  0.521334       0.522628
    10    40.0    35.4    44.6  0.41100  0.409186       0.410701
    11    50.0    44.2    55.8  0.32400  0.325219       0.326599
    12    63.0    55.8    70.2  0.25600  0.256466       0.257566
    13    80.0    70.8    89.2  0.20200  0.200944       0.201825
    14   100.0    88.5   111.5  0.16000  0.160218       0.160919
    15   125.0   110.6   139.4  0.12700  0.127881       0.128439
    16   160.0   141.6   178.4  0.10100  0.099738       0.100168
    17   200.0   177.0   223.0  0.07990  0.079705       0.080044
    18   250.0   221.2   278.8  0.06340  0.063703       0.063969
    19   315.0   278.8   351.2  0.05030  0.050487       0.050690
    20   400.0   354.0   446.0  0.03980  0.039636       0.039786
    21   500.0   442.5   557.5  0.03150  0.031490       0.031595
    22   630.0   557.5   702.5  0.02450  0.024557       0.024621
    23   800.0   708.0   892.0  0.01860  0.018501       0.018531
    24  1000.0   885.0  1115.0  0.01350  0.013510       0.013529
    25  1250.0  1106.2  1393.8  0.00894  0.009104       0.009141
    26  1600.0  1416.0  1784.0  0.00538  0.005255       0.005314
    27  2000.0  1770.0  2230.0  0.00295  0.002939       0.002992

    error plots