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How to update data in Morris.Bar chart

This is question is about implementation in a cshtml page in a .net6 application.

I have a chart that gets loaded with two data sets when the page loads. The chart data can be toggled with a dropdown (#drpVolOverviewType).

I have added a second dropdown (#drpTeamOrInd). When this new dropdown is toggled I want the two data sets in the chart to be updated from the DB - per logic that is defined in the controller. The data part works fine. My problem is that the does not get updated.

This is the version of my js/MorrisPlugin/raphael-2.1.0.js

I tried to have it refresh with method this but it didnt work:

$('#drpTeamOrInd').change(function () {
    // Call the function with synchronous AJAX and update the MorrisBar chart

getFVolumeOverviewData and getCVolumeOverviewData are the functions that get the data when the page load and they work fine.

This is the relevant code:

  var morBarF;
   var morBarC;

   // Function to initialize MorrisBar charts
   function initializeCharts() {
       // All volume overview
       morBarF = new Morris.Bar({
           // ID of the element in which to draw the chart.
           element: 'divChartVolumeOverviewAll',
           data: getFVolumeOverviewData($('#drpTeamOrInd').val()), // Initial data
           xkey: 'x',
           ykeys: ['y'],
           labels: ['DV']

       // Part volume overview
       morBarC = new Morris.Bar({
           // ID of the element in which to draw the chart.
           element: 'divChartVolumeOverviewPart',
           data: getCVolumeOverviewData($('#drpTeamOrInd').val()), // Initial data
           xkey: 'x',
           ykeys: ['y'],
           labels: ['DV']

   // Call the function to initialize charts

     //Volume overview instrument type dropdown change event
     $('#drpVolOverviewType').change(function () {
            if ($('#drpVolOverviewType').val() == 1) {
            } else if ($('#drpVolOverviewType').val() == 2) {

   $('#drpTeamOrInd').change(function () {
       // Call the function with synchronous AJAX and update the MorrisBar chart

Appreciate your help with this. Thanks


  • As per the suggestion from 3limin4t0r in the discussion, the solution was to first assign the value to returned by getFVolumeOverviewData($('#drpTeamOrInd').val()) to a variable and then pass it to

    I was not aware that in JS it was not possible to execute a function within as a parameter within another method.