Can Quarto produce a descending ordered (markdown) list rendered into revealjs?
I found this: Descending ordered lists in pandoc markdown and tried adding a bunch of different CSS bits like this:
title: "blah"
theme: [default]
## test
.rev-lists > ol > li {
counter-increment:item -1;
::: {.rev-lists}
2. This is numbered 2
1. This is numbered 1
but I still ended up with a slide showing
2. This is numbered 2
3. This is numbered 1
The only workaround I could figure out was to display the content as:
2: This is numbered 2
1: This is numbered 1
and that looks like a bunch of colons.
You could use some HMTL syntax with ol reversed
to reverse the order of the markdown list like this:
title: "blah"
theme: [default]
## test
<ol reversed>
<li>This is numbered 1</li>
<li>This is numbered 2</li>