I have a React application that has a SignalR connection. In the useEffect functions the connection is built and then it is connected to the server. Once that connection is made the client sends a message to the server in order to join a group to receive messages. I have the withAutomaticReconnect method on the connection. The problem is if there is a connection disruption and it does reconnect, that works fine. However, my method that then sends a message to the server on initial connection doesn't run again, so even though the client - server connection is reestablished, the message method is not sent again. My question is, how can I setup the connection to automatically send a message to the server upon connection?
Here is the code:
const [connection, setConnection] = useState(null);
// Create connection with server
useEffect(() => {
const hubConnection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder()
.withUrl(`${process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL}/hubs/hub`, {
withCredentials: false,
accessTokenFactory: () => {
// Get and return the access token.
// This function can return a JavaScript Promise if asynchronous
// logic is required to retrieve the access token.
return getSessionAccessToken();
const startConnection = async () => {
try {
await hubConnection.start();
} catch (error) {
const toastInfo = {
type: TOAST_TYPES.error,
try {
// ======================== This function below needs to run every initial connection and every reconnection. Currently this isn't run on reconnection, which is expected but I am not sure how to add that to the hubConnection itself ========================
await hubConnection.send(HUB_CONNECTION_TYPES.ADD_USER_TO_GROUP, {
groupId: groupId,
} catch (error) {
const toastInfo = {
type: TOAST_TYPES.error,
}, [groupId, dispatch]);
// Functions to be run based on connection server actions
useEffect(() => {
if (connection) {
(message) => {
// Returns in useEffect functions run when the component dismounts (e.g. leaving the page)
return async () => {
if (connection) {
groupId: groupId,
}, [connection, groupId, dispatch]);
I figured out the answer to this scenario. There is a method on the connection that can be called if a reconnect occurs: hubConnection.onreconnected(callback function)