I am wondering is it possible to include the M code of Power Query in Power BI in the WHERE clause of a SQL statement, when I am getting data from Azure Synapse Analytics SQL to Power BI?
The table I am querying is in Azure Synapse Analytics and it is more than 1 million rows. So I am trying to import only the rows for specific Post codes. The problem is that these Post codes are being provided via separate Excel file which is uploaded to Power BI.
I have used the M code from the comments, but tweaked it a bit in order to put get a coma between each postcode.
= Text.Combine(MyTable[PostCode2], ",")
Then I want to use this code, which returns:
'CO16 0AS','CO10 8JR','CO1 2TA','NE15 8TN'
I want to use this in the WHERE clause in the SQL statement which I write when I "Get Data" from "Azure Synapse Analytics SQL":
And I am getting the following error:
I have tried remove the #, the " symbols, brackets, and other variations, but nothing works.
Say you have a Query in PowerQuery of a table with a column of the Post Codes you are after. You would generate the string for SQL IN
with the following:
"'" & Text.Combine(#"Post Codes"[Post Code], "','") & "'"
Where #"Post Codes"
is the name of the query, and [Post Code]
is the column name.
Add the above in the Advanced Editor of your SQL import, and watch out for "
. For example:
... "SELECT * ... FROM ... WHERE ... IN ('" & Text.Combine(#"Post Codes"[Post Code], "','") & "')"